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Week 12

Welcome to yet another edition of my weekly blog-posts! I have a lot to tell you today, but not very much time. In about half an hour a movie I wish to see begins, and I'm already missing a series I usually follow and still have a a chance of seeing. So I'll be brief. Startlingly this week was shit, the computers been taking 3-10 hours to start everyday and I've been both impatient and depressed. I've realized how important the computer is to me and how much my life depends on it, literally, all my work is on it. I've started on a few new sites as well, which just made me busier, and didn't make the downtime easier to get though. Was originally planning to wait with these websites until I had less other projects on my hands, but I thought WTH, why wait with something when I can do it now? So I did, and I've been happier, but I managed to get the site running, post a few blogs in advance, and see to it that it stays up. Worked quite a bit on the layout, and I'm mighty proud of it. I've been promoting it a little as well by adding it to various blogging directories around the net. is the site that will bring an end to your money-seeking struggles! Online! Working from home! We got all the tips you need, you'll be able to live a life like me without needing to do shit and just watching the checks fly in through your mailbox (not really, but I hope that's how it will be going after a few years of hard base-working, and it could turn out that way for you too). If you forget about this site, no worries, I'll be spamming my blog-posts plenty telling you about it, telling you to go there, and telling you to donate me a little $$$ to keep the place running... among other things.

So that's that, the great site I launched, go check it out. :) Other than that I've been walking a lot, working on my computer, desperately trying to get my files organized in case my computer suddenly decides to crash on me, etcetc. I've also completed a few forum posting jobs and received my first payment for it, $8 for about one and a half hours work. It feels good, even though it's not much. At Tradera, the site I try to sell stuff at, I've sold stuff at as well. A buyer phoned me and wanted to buy 60 DVDs from me, so I'll be sending them away in a big box tomorrow. Before that I'm meeting up with my buddy Bear to collect the three movies he borrowed from me a while back that I'm selling as well. I also received my first two freelance jobs today, the translation of 24 articles from Swedish to English. I'm a bit concerned about how that's going to go now that my computer is dying on me, since I need to get the translations done within 3 days or I've failed my employer. We're also having guests over tomorrow. My cousin David + family for about eight hours. Then the day after that we'll be taking a long walk around Stockholm City, and the day after that we're going bowling. All those plans and I still have to translate the documents, hand out newspapers and send packages to clients. I want to get a little blog-promoting and posting done as well. I'm also participating in a contest where I can win $15. So eh, that's all for this very brief blog-post that turned out pretty long regardless. Time to stress away for this arriving weeks future days! Wish me lucky.

Oh, and my dad and I will be doing a desperate attempt at fixing the computer ourselves tomorrow, lets see how that goes... I just hope it doesn't blow up or something. Think about all the files that would be lost... anyhow, goodnight now. I'm off to watch Bionic Women and then some good unknown action movie and it's sequel. Then...

Oh (2 ), I realized the gallery isn't working, I have to change the links for that too, and there's a games update coming up soon, as well as script update and layout update. If I have time enough to fix that, look forward to it! In a way it's good news that NG is down or I'd be spending all my time there, and I can't afford that now. I look forward to it's return though, asta la vista, again.

Week 11

Been doings lots o things this week. Posting posts at specified forums for minimum pay, writing blogs like there was no tomorrow (who knows, maybe there isn't), handing out commercial magazines to 290 different households for small cash, driving my dads expensive SAAB 95 Combi constantly fearing that my premature knowledges on driving it will somehow cause me to unexpectedly swerve off the road, among other things. We've been out twice, and the second time it went much better. No neck-breaking slowdowns, no hacky startups, no stress. I feel like I'm getting the hang of this. :) Next step will be the bigger roads then, interacting with "real" traffic. I have my next professional driving lesson on Wednesday.

Moving on. This week went great, excluding a one-days burst of total lack of motivation, on which I managed to work for about two hours in the morning and then just play WWP and watch porn the rest of the day... and movies... and play a little Advanced Wars. I felt like shit too. Why? Well it might have had something to do with the extreme exercise I went through the day before, running around with 290 magazines, up and down stairs, in and out of buildings, back and fourth across random roads looking to find the right path. After that I had a driving lesson, and then I went for a long walk with my mom. To finish the day I sat by my loyal PC for four hours scribbling like a maniac. It's probably one of the most effective days I've had in a long time, the only downside to it being the day after, with sore muscles, creativational lack and burning eyes. The highly efficient day was Wednesday so the day I felt like shit was Thursday, obviously. On Tuesday I managed to get a whole lot of computer related work done and on Monday/Friday I was out in town handing out brochures with my sister, for her company, also doing some intense running up and down random stairwells, but it was fun. We talked, we walked, we ate good food.

I wrote this post up until right NOW on Friday night, so forgive me if the writing style slightly changes according to my mood. This weekend nothing much happened though, so the mood-change won't affect such a big percentage of this weekly blog-post. I was out driving with my dad again, I worked a little at my computer, I read a book, I watched a few movies, I rested a lot, restoring power for the coming week. :) And now I finished this post, so there, EN :D

Oh btw, play low yo.

Week 10

Another week gone by! Oh how time flies. The sky is covered by clouds, but the ground has been green and dry. And the sun it shone for about five days, the wind blue warmly the trees they swayed. All the snow has melted away, and left a clear view of the trash they all threw. During winter, my hands are from thorny bushes filled with splinters. I've lingered, outside for hours a day throwing my time away, getting suntanned, it's been months since I was banned. Last. The new era is arriving and passing by fast.

Anyhow, it's been a great week. On Monday I was yet again in Stockholm's central locations handing out brochures for my sisters company. They never end, and I'll be returning there tomorrow for more. On Thursday I had my first professional driving lesson, and on Friday I had my second. They both went great and I'm learning the process of shifting gears quicker and driving without causing bystanders or other cars any harm (not that I've ever done that before). So far I'm only at an average speed of about 40 km/h, but that's just under the speed limit for local areas anyway, so I'm starting to feel like a 'real' driver. Hopefully I'll be taking one or two test tours with my dad before the next lesson as well. I need practice, lots of it. Been reading a little driving theory too.

Over at I've been posting guessing games like a maniac, completing yet another 100 rounds + . Also reached 10k posts and protection points, and I've been doing a bit of reviewing. I got a job this week, too, a real one, handing out newspapers. It doesn't pay much, but at least it's something. From now on I'll be spending a few hours one day a week riding around the neighborhood spamming fellow peoples mailboxes, how fun. :P I got another job, too, an Internet-based one on which I'll be posting at specific forums at clients requests, for a small sum of $.2 per post. Really though, that's an hourly wage of at least $15 per hour, so it's not that bad at all. I hope I'll be getting some real job soon too. I'm being a bit lazy with the job-searching, asking only for jobs that interest me even though I should be trying to get anything I can get my hands on, but who knows, maybe I just might get a job I like soon.

Other than the above I've been writing poems, working on websites and browsing the Internets this week. Been out for long long walks as well, just a few days ago I took a 7 kilometer tour from Kungsängen to Bro, twas refreshing. Nothing revolutionary happening, just normal progress. I've been staying up late though, so today I rely on a ten hour sleep I'll see you next week!

Week 9

I received my drivers license permit and I'm starting my driving courses as well... as soon as my new mentor gives me the phone call I'm waiting for. Seems like this week is holiday for all societies students, so he's been pretty busy driving around with free pupils. I tried to convince my dad to give me driving lessons instead, but he's getting more and more careful the older he gets, and it seems he doesn't have the nerves to let me steer his expensive car anymore (maybe my older brother used them all up years ago). My dad paid for professional lessons instead, which is IMO a big waste of money (they're expensive as hell), but I should have nothing against it. Maybe I'll even learn more, heh. Anyhow, I hope I'll get my license done before the long drive up to our summer-place this summer, so we (dad and I, the by then hopefully two licensed drivers in the family) can take turns and not have to spend as much time beside the road resting, getting ready for more. It takes about a full day driving, so it's pretty far.

I sent the first packages that I've sold at online auctions (that I previously bought at online actions, all of them with profit) by post this week. And I've put out a long list of additional auctions I'll be hoping to earn income from. I wasted way more money than I planned to, but I plan on getting all that money back regardless. Three of the items I ordered still haven't arrived in my empty mailbox yet, and I fear they've all been lost/stolen somewhere on the way, which is shit since those three were specially costly. I'm awaiting one more shipment of Swedish Mora knifes (about 20 of them), then it'll all be over and all I'll have to do is put in ads for more products to sell myself. Am working on it, intensely, as we speak. Well I will be, soon.

Apparently the contact forms on both mine and my sisters site have been messing up recently (both on the same server), and I've gone to a great deal of trouble to fix them, but it's all fixed now. Seems like the scripts weren't wrongly composed at all, it was all my web-hosting providers fault, and I've had to put in remotely hosted forms now, instead of the local ones. Also updated the library, finally, after a months wait, and have reorganized my site/other stuff on two external HDs. Since it's too big to have on my PC, I need a backup on an external, and since it's just kept growing I bought a new external to backup the other one. In total the site takes up about 200GB now, most of the space taken up by subbed anime series I like and share (atm offline due to server limitations, but I keep it all organized anyway).

Other than that, I've been watching movies, lots of movies, and all twelve episodes of GeneShaft. A great futuristic/oldskool anime combined which I highly recommend. Also been spending time with my cousin David and my good buddies Andreas and Bear. On Tuesday I took a long walk with Andreas. On Wednesday I was out all day handing out brochures for my sisters new massage company, running up and down staircases, throwing them in mailboxes, leaving them on trains, etc. She ordered a big-ass box with about 3000 handouts, and so far we've used up about 10% of that, it takes so much longer than expected. On Thursday me and my Cousin David walked around city, went for a cruise to the yard of animals (translated directly form Swedish), ate pasta with shrimps, ice cream (Danish apple-pie and Irish Crisps, two previously untasted flavors) and went around sightseeing. ON Friday we went to the cinema to watch the new Asterix movie and then spend the rest of the day playing WWP (Worms World Party), 1080 Degrees and Vigilante 8 - three old yet highly addictive games... and taking a long walk around the unfinished golf-course. On Saturday I spent the day at my buddy bears house watching four movies, playing Jenga, walking the dog and eating chocolate pudding, nachos, peanut-butter rings with extra flavor, risifrutti, tortillas, warm chocolate, cappuccino, cookies, guacamole, big fluffy sugared buns with huge amounts of whipped cream and almond-mass in the middle, etc.

So that's that. Overall the weeks been great, filled with varied events and occasional inputs of newgroundish activity. The Pokemon guessing games over at newgrounds are almost over now, just another week of original pokemonish-posting left, then it's all over. I've updated the blogposts page and am updating the guessing game rankings as well. Until next week.

Week 8

I came back from my short trip to Östersund on Tuesday. Since then the week was filled with endless work and action. The work consisting of catching up on emails, auction buying/shipping/retrieval, ravaging the trash rooms, selling stuff, organizing my website, watching an average of 3 movies per day, hanging out with my buddy Andreas and accomplishing various other smaller tasks. Also, posted over a hundred news-posts at newgrounds this week, they're getting many many many (+1). I passed the epic border of seven hundred, setting yet a new record. :P Might explain the lack of updates over at, the site I call my main site, but which seems to be getting slowly replaced by I doubt it'll stay that way for long though, I've never managed to keep my activity enormous at newgrounds for larger periods of time. Activity-sprees come and go, my whole life is unstable like the winter weather these days. Either way, it's been a great week. Lots of writing work as well, articles, poems, songs, blog-posts, etcetc. Not much news to tell that would serve as much entertainment to you, so that's that, another week in the new year gone by.

Week 7

It was a busy week. Indeed, it was a busy week. It was such a busy week that I completely forgot to post a news-post about it. So here it is now, two weeks later, the hopefully only time this year that I'll post three weekly posts in one day, right after each other. Anyhow, let's start this trilogy with a reference to my Knifes post. I went to sleep, I woke up, and I drove away to the airport with my dad, boarded the plane and slumbered my way through white clouds and a slow sunrise. It was a very pleasant flight, despite the rough winds that kept throwing themselves against the plane, making it tumble around in the sky. The pilots did a great job landing the thing and we only arrived twenty minutes late. I didn't even notice the plane had been delayed until my brother (waiting at the airport) told me. When I stepped into the small building at Östersund I was greeted with free food/drink and a heart-shaped hand-warmer. I managed to get two of those, from different dealers. :P (if you're wondering why they gave free stuff at the airport, just keep reading, I'll explain that soon).

Anyhow, the sun shone dimly and the ground was covered by a thick layer of snow, and despite the fine weather the wind blew fiercely. The World Cup in skiing/shooting was near to being canceled this day due to the fierce winds on the way, they shifted in due time though. It's the first year a World Cup is held in Östersund, so the whole town was decorated with nice lights, snow sculptures and various other fine decorations. It was a much more living place than the previous times I had been there. During my one week stay we :

- Went out walking with a dog (Mishan) that Ingrid (a friend of David, my brother) owns... three times
- Went on long walks, sightseeing, shopping, exercising
- Went skiing in the wilderness, made a fire, ate sausages/bananas/bread/etc
- Watched the world cup (got free tickets, worth 160KR a piece, from someone my brother knew)
- Cleaned Ulla-Brittas living room (a friend of Davids, old, unable to clean houses properly anymore, a real nice person) in exchange for food
- Packaged a few tables (ix-Boll, a game my brother has created and is selling to various schools around the country, it's heavy and in symmetrical manually/machine-made pieces)
- Played a few tower defense games (apparently my brother has become addicted to these)
- Flew down mountains at 200 km/h in sleds (not really that fast, but it was fun)
- Tested a few of his newer inventions
- Watched The Alamo
- Etcetc

I probably forgot to mention the most important events, but w/e, nevertheless we had a great time despite my sleeping on soft mushy sleep-deprivating crappy (not literally) madrases. I might be returning there sometime this summer to paint a house with my bro, for big $$$. It's a big house, too. Would take about a week. Anyhow, this is what this now passed week consisted of. The end.

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