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It's that time of the year again!

All over the Internet people spread their thanks, giving praise to higher entities, families, friends, and others hopefully worthy of such praise.

I've been dubious as to the worth of celebration since it's rooted in all but benevolent beginnings, and isn't a local thing, but was reading through the regular forms of thanks on this blog today when out of nowhere came this:

I am thankful for imperfection and misshapen candies. The imperceptible romance of sunsets through bus windows. The dream that family, friends, co-workers, and strangers are connected by love. I am thankful to my ancestors for enduring so much hardship so that I could be here enjoying Bay Area burritos.

I've never thought about bus windows like that! I see them clearly now.

An image of a train I was waiting on yesterday flashed into my mind as I read this. It rolled in on the dark station with spray-painted windows, and the light shone through the matte glass as though through a haze of smoke, lighting up the dark, snowy platform in a somber but colorful light.

I'm thankful someone else notices the imperfections that make life so perfect! And in particular that they enlighten me with reflections on imperfections I hadn't noticed before, though can relate to. I must have looked out of a bus window a million times already with similar sensations of awe and melancholy.

I'm actually overwhelmed with thankfulness all of a sudden. It's like that one comment pierced through my armor of appreciation apathy with a small spark of odd relatability. There's just so much appreciation out there it's overwhelming, and little of it seems sincere and original. They're like the serenade of 'sorry for your loss's at a funeral. This was that one friend who really came up and shared their sorrow, yet didn't need to say a thing.

Thanks for reading this. Thanks for keeping this blog alive. Thanks for being alive. Thanks to life!

I'm thankful for the opportunity to give the thanks I give, and know that even if they seem as uninspiring as the stream I skimmed through on my way to the earlier epiphany and eye-opener, they are, at least today, sincere.

I'll be more creative next year! Thank you for your patience.


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