- Did 5G cause the coronavirus? No.
- Does 5G cause disease similar to the coronavirus? Yes.
- Did COVID-19 originate in bats? No.
- Is COVID-19 a recombinant RNA virus, created in a laboratory, intentionally or unintentionally, as part of a research program whose purpose was to protect the population? Did it escape accidentally from a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China? Probably.
According to Arthur Firstenberg, that is.
Compared to the controversial David Icke interview I'd say this seems a bit more easy to believe though, with well-researched opinions and pointers. Face masks are apparently useless too, ventilators can be directly life-threatening when used to treat patients with covid-19, and 5G is still a threat. Feel free to read the full thing here.
If the worldwide quarantine situation has anything to do with 5G though? Maybe a future send-out might provide some further discoveries.
That 5G Space Appeal newsletter. It's pretty interesting.
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i dont think 5G causes illnesses because the radiation it emits is not powerful enough
It IS pretty powerful though. A whole other level compared to current technologies, and it's being deployed with so much greater density since the waves have a shorter range. Millimeter waves though, even if they don't go through walls as well as earlier ones, seem to have all the more potential to damage our tissue, not to mention that it'll be in pulsating arrays, which are known to be harmful. Even the EU's recent 5G report notes that 'Questions remain unanswered as to what 5G actually is, what it is for, whether it has impacts on human health and environment, whether it is secure, whether it offers good value for money or whether anyone will be prepared to pay for it'. They bring up fiber as an alternative, which I'd really wish we focused on instead. No potential downsides there at all.
The industries have been argumenting for the longest time that non-ionizing radiation (which microwaves are a part of) don't pose any danger at all, yet all cellphone manufacturers supposedly have it in their service manuals now that if you hold your cellphone closer than a centimeter from your body they're not liable to any damages that might incur. That seems to be their way of saying: We don't know how dangerous this is and we don't want to be held responsible. And of course if you hold the phone it's closer than that... research that disproves their claims keeps amounting too.
Regarding the power of 5G, and how it differs from previous generations, here's another excerpt from that report: For the first time, 5G will use millimetre waves in addition to the microwaves that have been used to date in 2G, 3G and 4G technology. Due to the limited coverage, to implement 5G, cell antennas will have to be installed very close to one another, which will result in constant exposure of the population to millimetre wave radiation. Use of 5G will also require new technologies to be employed, such as active antennas capable of beam-forming, massive inputs and outputs. With higher frequencies and shortened ranges, base stations will be more closely packed into an area, to provide complete coverage and avoid 'not-spots'. This could mean possible ranges of 20-150 metres with smaller coverage areas per 'small cell. A cell radius of 20 metres would imply about 800 base stations per square kilometre (or 'small area wireless access points' (SAWAPs), the term used in the EECC). This contrasts with 3G and 4G technologies, which use large or 'macro' cells, offering ranges of 2-15 kilometres or more, and therefore covering a larger area but allowing fewer simultaneous users since they have fewer individual channels. Furthermore, 5G will employ higher frequencies than previous 'G' networks and greater bandwidth which will enable users to transfer wireless data faster.
As I see it we just don't know how much this could affect us, but fact is we'd be exposed everywhere, all the time, since base stations need to be spread out with so much shorter intervals. They're using satellites now too.
You can read the full report here if you like: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/646172/EPRS_BRI(2020)646172_EN.pdf
And personally, I believe in everything here: https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal
There really is a large group of people out there against this, and I do hope we can stop it. If there's even the slightest possibility we'd be jeopardizing our lives as much as the appeal claims, then there should really be no reason to keep going with this. It's not like we can't maintain our relatively luxurious lifestyle with current technologies instead. And even without.
quick run-through this time, it's certainly harder to refute than David Icke:
"Did 5G cause the coronavirus? No. "
As in do 5G waves contain coronavirus particles, or does 5G radiation break down the immune system, giving way to coronavirus invasion?
"Does 5G cause disease similar to the coronavirus? Yes. "
Sure, but coronavirus symptoms aren't exactly uncommon. Brain Cancer and getting punched repeatedly in the head by Mike Tyson may also have similar symptoms.
"When both the virus and RF radiation are present, the disease should be attributed to both"
Absolutely. But is radiation testing conducted on the affected? And if so, can we attribute the radiation poisoning to 5G? There are other mediums that cause radiation.
"COVID-19 would not be so severe were it not for the radiation"
And brain cancer would not be so severe if it were not for getting punched in the head repeatedly by Mike Tyson, wait no that's not true, brain cancer can still be highly severe.
Couldn't one use the inverse and say 5G radiation would not be so severe were it not for the coronavirus. I don't like this talking point.
The cities with the highest infection rate have the highest population densities. Heavily populated cities are more likely to have 5G installations. Among pollution and a higher incidence of other health problems. Correlation is reason for concern, but it's a bit disingenuous to jump straight to causation and make declarative statements.
"Did COVID-19 originate in bats? No. "
Did it escape accidentally from a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China? Probably.
The only evidence provided in the paper is that 'the' animal market in Wuhan does not sell bats. Suppose we trust Chinese authorities. There is only 1 animal market in Wuhan? What about any outside sales? It may no longer be the norm, but it's no secret that Chinese culture overall is more liberal with what they consume. This also assumes consumption is the only path of transmission.
"It is a fact that there is a research virology lab in Wuhan, and that researchers there coauthored a paper in 2015 with American researchers from Chapel Hill, North Carolina describing a hybrid coronavirus that they had created by attaching a spike protein from bats to a SARS coronavirus. Zheng-Li Shi, the lead researcher from Wuhan, said in an interview in Scientific American that she worried that COVID-19 was a virus that had escaped from her lab, but she reassured the world that she checked and it did not resemble any of the viruses that she had collected in bat caves. Yet in the next sentenceshe justified her claim that COVID-19 came from bats by saying that it was almost identical to a virus thatshe had collected in a bat cavein Yunnan"
Could use some clarification, this whole paragraph is built on incomplete logic and specifics
"she worried that COVID-19 was a virus that had escaped from her lab, but she reassured the world that she checked and it did not resemble any of the viruses that she had collected in bat caves"
1. Does her lab only have viruses collected from bat caves?
2. COVID-19 not resemble any of her lab researched viruses -> virus did not escape from this particular lab. Making this particular incident moot.
"Yet in the next sentence she justified her claim that COVID-19 came from bats by saying that it was almost identical to a virus that she had collected in a bat cave in Yunnan"
Is this the same virus that was genetically modified to have the spike protein? If yes, then the answer isn't probably, but a definitive yes and invalidates the next two paragraphs I will write.
The implication here seems to be that she is lying about the virus escaping by virtue of claiming COVID-19 is near identical to that of a collected bat virus. In this case, this entails that the bat is a carrier of a virus, and thus a potential transmitter of the disease, until evidence is provided that such isn't possible.
There is not enough information here to affirm that a Chinaman purchased Black Market bat or a bat flew by and poooped in his soup, a bat contaminated a common area by it's mere presence, the virus escaped for the lab, or some combination of these.
"do we embrace life, in all its mysteries, pleasures, and storms, or do we bury it?"
The world has been a f*cked up place for over a decade, at least, all we can do is run from it, or for those that are privileged, ignore it
"Do we join our hands round the Earth, or do we wash them twentytimes a day?"
Hold hands twenty times a day, preferably sanitizing & moisturizing them beforehand
" and with birds and bats and flowers and fishes that sustain one another and keep this world going"
Ironically these animals keep the world going, human have been doing the opposite for a long time and they would be fine without us
"he UV index is higher than normalover a large part of the northern hemisphere. This may in part be the result of the emissions from the hundredsof rocket launches that have taken place in the past few years, largely in the northern hemisphere."
okay well played, I will attend the protest for this one.
"Or, once we emerge from our homes and the quarantines are lifted, will we stop?"
people will argue, people will act out of ego and their selfish agenda, people will live in denial, people will create ridiculous conspiracy theories for thing that don't exist. I however, will hide & run and propagate memes. No one respects me anyway so it's not like I would ever make a difference
"Instead of mingling together in schools and markets and restaurants and parks and churches, we have retreated into our cell phones and our wireless computers,
substituting radiation for life,"
is this guy waking from a coma that started in 2007? The world has been this way for a while now. The downfall has been smartphones, 5G appeal or not it will still exist
"ECHOEarth has set the solstice, June 20-21, 2020, as Cancel-Your-Cell-Phone-AccountDay,"
I've cancelled all social media, and honestly this idea excites me greatly, but I don't think my family or coworkers would appreciate it
"Now SpaceX wants to place all 4,408 of its first-generation satellites at the lower altitude. "
Oh Jesus- sounds like a recipe for disaster, who's gonna coax Elon Musk out of hiding and have him answer to the jury?
"OneWeb, which has launched 74 satellites, has declared bankruptcy and laid off most of its employees after failing to obtain expected funding due to the downturn in the economy causedby the coronavirus shutdown."
so...silver lining?
"I am about truth, wherever I find it, wherever it may lead, because our world is at stake, and life itself --physical, mental, emotional and spiritual --is beingdismantled. Conspiracies have no place in this effort. Neither does fear."
sounds like a bunch of pretentious, self-virtue signaling crap- my BS defenses activate when people feel the need to state "they are about the truth", he seems like a coronavirus opportunist using the current situation to further his anti-5G agenda. (Not saying anti-5G agendas are bad)
"My opinions, based on my reading of the scientific and medical literature, as best as I can determine, are these:"
Oh, so they are opinions. Guess that's my bad for accusing him of making declarative statements.
"Masks do not protect the wearer."
Dubious, but I will acknowledge that he provided fair sources that suggest this. There's conflicting literature on the issue.
"Medical masks are ineffective against viruses,"
Potential Contradiction
"A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal found that healthcare workers caught viruses from their patients 13 times more often if they wore a cloth mask than if they wore a medical mask,"
Didn't read the article, but study is not complete without testing for without a mask, or moreover what the overall percentage was to catching a virus overall. If a cloth mask wearer happens to catch an infected patient 13/100 times while medical mask wearers catch it 1/100 times, obviously both are effective to a certain degree.
"Masks are harmful to the wearer. "
Fair, I don't the suggestion was to wear them long term, just when in the presence of (crowds of ) people. Like being on a computer, you need to take breaks.
"Ventilators do not work and are harmful."
Will have to look into this. Not I agree with the former part in general. What is the alternative?
"PCR tests are not accurate."
Will definitely have to look into this too, as it could debunk much of my argument in a different thread.
"Shutdowns do not have any effect. Japan, which did not shut down until April 6 and then only with voluntary measures, has 2COVID-19 deaths per million population. "
Japan has a much better healthcare system and they don't eat f*cking bats. Also radiation exposure from WW2 and what not makes them stronger against viruses idk
"Belarus, which never shut down, has 4 per million"
the prescription their is hockey and booze, the rest of the world is not manly enough for all that
"Sweden,which did not shut down, has 156 per million. Switzerland, which did shut down, has 165 per million."
so to countries that did not shut down have two of the highest rates? That doesn't help his argument. The honest inclusion is appreciated.
" Belgium, which did shut down, has 503 deaths per million population."
talk about owned (me)
"Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, all close toChina, have no COVID-19 deaths at all"
do they even have hospitals
"In the U.S., South Dakota, which has not shut down at all, has four times as many cases, but fewer deaths, than neighboring Montana, which is completely locked down."
Not surprising, Montana is full of methheads.
"If you pay attention to the news, you might assume that record numbers of people are dying. "
no, no one thinks that. But this is the first time in a while, that a disease has killed this many people so quickly. The quarantine has greatly decreased the amount of automotive, crime, and school-shooting/spree killing deaths, which collectively may incur more deaths than COVID-19, but we don't need to have COVID-19 (at perhaps a higher rate) in addition to automotive, crime, and school-shooting/spree killing deaths.
quick run-through my @ss
Thanks for taking the time! Let's see if I can address any of that which you address below...
"Did 5G cause the coronavirus? No. "
I believe he means that as in if the coronavirus is actually not a virus at all, as conspiracy theorists such as David Icke seem prone to believe, but rather the side-effects of rapidly spreading 5G installations.
The 5G radiation breaking down the immune system; giving way to coronavirus invasion issue interestingly enough doesn't seem to be brought up at all. Maybe that correlation seems more obvious with prerequisite appeal-reading already done on those specific side-effects.
"Does 5G cause disease similar to the coronavirus? Yes. "
I don't believe one could say 5G radiation would not be so severe were it not for the coronavirus, since the severity of 5G radiation is equally severe no matter what underlying ailments you have, whereas the severity of a virus very much depends on your immune system's capability to handle said attack, no?
The radiation being constant in output regardless, albeit with varying levels of continual exposure depending on where you are.
But I believe this point is simply there to make the distinction that no, 5G is not the cause, but it does potentially cause similar symptoms, and should thus not be disregarded, yet is likely to cause much confusion within the field when symptoms are shared or possibly falsely attributed to one or the other - especially since both the former and the latter are relatively new and the effects thereof not yet thoroughly studied or understood.
I don't really see the disingenuity here. The pointers to me seemed to easily assess and clarify the situation, both similarities and differences. The correlation regarding population density/installation density/pollution and spread does seem strong but I don't believe this was mentioned in the article? Or maybe you meant they really shouldn't have left that out?
Did it escape accidentally from a virology laboratory in Wuhan, China? Probably.
More so that a video from an Indonesian animal market has been circulating falsely as one in Wuhan, thus adding to the confusion. Indeed you can't say for certain there is actually no market in Wuhan that does sell bats though, official or no, it just seems less important as you read the second part regarding how the sanitary scrutiny in the virology lab has apparently been lacking for some time, with reports to back it up.
You're right, the Zheng-Li Shi paragraph was a bit unclear. It's not definitive proof if not further clarified, and maybe it never will be further clarified as of course Chinese authorities probably aren't positive to the idea of revealing that this might have all been their doing after all. When these observations (bad sanitary practices in said lab) and coincidences (the virology lab being there in the first place, and the aforementioned research being done there) are all grouped together it just seems all the more likely to me that such is the case. Maybe even more so when Zheng-Li Shi gives apparently conflicting explanations as to the origin of the virus, one of which might've then been by interest of the government. It is though of course still just a theory until proven.
Finna be very careful about eating soup outdoors after this...
Or improve it, and make it such a place we'd ideally like to live in! Using this moment to make the changes we know we need but have been in denial about for so long! We humans really aren't helping it, too true, but this is a chance to really turn that around too...
Hand sanitation circle halleljuah!
I actually just got sun eczema btw. Small blisters; itchy skin. Apparently it's a thing you can get in spring when the body isn't really used to the sun yet, but I've never had this before, at least not as noticeable. Maybe related to this rocket-related UV increase hmm...
I respect you!!! Can't derive you of those memes propagating pastimes but you're definitely making a difference already, opening up for debate and potential enlightenment in these here threads! Spreading the gluten-free doctrine in the forums! Improving the gut bacteria and free-thinking habit in the people one mention at a time!
Might be he's been fighting the fight since 2007? Or earlier? For a few seconds I really considered throwing away my cellphone on that day, but it's just not practical at this point... not that it'll probably become any more practical in the future if things keep progressing the way they currently are, but I'd definitely like to use it only when it's really a requirement. I don't use wireless computers either. Computers though.... I'm addicted. Man. Impossible. Pretty much everything I do in life revolves around this here device. Short of those short-lived but amazing summers were we really go offline and reconnect with reality... you're still on NG though right? The one and only social site?
Silver lining regarding satellites indeed. :) On the downside low oil prices might assist in cheaper rocket launches for SpaceX...? Their part of the programme feels a lot more disturbing than the 5G spread otherwise. We have one satellite just above us that's visible all the time at night time, and insanely annoying. I imagine it's one of these lower altitude ones. :/ Less visible elsewhere but way more visible to us...
Maybe the 'about truth' bit's a subtle pike at David Icke? You just don't seem to like this guy though huh. :)
Fair point regarding the mask studies. Seems there are side-effects to be wary of at least, but use when needed.
Regarding ventilators: maybe medicine/exercises to keep the lungs as free as possible from build-up, so it's possible to keep breathing without? And to better oxygenate the blood? Not sure how this is done medicinally, if it is at all, but deep-breathing exercises might help with both. I've no idea how critical a state needs to be for ventilators to be used, but if they're using them even when it's not absolutely necessary maybe they're really worsening the status of many. Stress and tension doesn't ease breathing either. Possibly relaxants?
Curious to hear more about your findings on PCR tests and the above if you do.
We don't eat f*cking bats either. ;) An alternative theory is that Japan's volcanic foundation is a lot more conductive than ours, and thus EMF fields are generally not as harmful; the potential side-effects of microwave radiation doesn't amplify their symptoms as much... seems that should still only be a small part of it though if true. Maybe they're just way better with hygiene. The virus supposedly isn't good at tolerating heat so: healthy hot spring habits to kill 'em off? Steam would be beneficial for the lungs too. But still, Japan really is a mysterious exception in the statistics overall.
I believe he's just naming numbers at random and concluding that there is no discernible pattern here regarding countries that shut down/don't shut down and how many cases they have. :) Sweden's still relatively low on the list (regarding worst places), though surprised he didn't mention ones that were well higher up. Good overview on numbers here: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
Our death count/million isn't that great though. Even if San Marino is a real statistical anomaly, with twice as much as the next one.
...but hey there you go. XD
Should also be mentioned that the authenticity as to the statistics of all these countries are probably highly variable!
Some silver lining there too huh. Did you read about DamnedByFate's sister getting threatened with an arrest for reading a book on a park bench though? I assume crime does lessen with a totalitarian regime too...
"But this is the first time in a while, that a disease has killed this many people so quickly"
...that isn't entirely true though is it? Don't the charts show that death tolls from a regular flu were in fact higher than they were for covid-19, within this same time frame? Of course these numbers might not prove anything, as pretty much all countries in the world are doing their best to stop the spread; who knows what the numbers would've been if we'd handled this just like a regular flu. Possibly catastrophic.
I do feel like the media is placing way too much focus on daily death counts though, it might work in keeping some people in, but it's also the very worst aspect of the sensationalist media approach we have today... they could be encouraging people to stay in in more positive ways. keep peoples spirits higher. Encourage us to help each other and really make the best of this time, even at a distance; take what measures we can to not let it impact our lives or economy as much as it does. Optimism greatly assists the immune system too. Not to mention peaceful sleep and healthy lifestyles, which this pandemic frenzy doesn't really help with.
But then again, it wouldn't really be a wake-up call if it wasn't treated as the panic-inducing pandemic that it most probably is...
You just don't compromise on quality hmm. :) Good read though.
and a reciprocated kudos for reading my long-winded ramble, also props for never being judgmental. I know my last few posts regarding COVID-19 might be needlessly condemnatory, which doesn't further the discussion.
"...since the severity of 5G radiation is equally severe no matter what underlying ailments you have"
if one lacks melanin, the severity of UV radiation is greater- there is more chance for sunburn and to an extreme, more susceptibility to skin cancer. The skin is part of the immune system, so it plays a role in not just fighting off pathogens, but radiation.
now say I conduct a related experiment where I ask and answer (with evidence) the question "Does prolonged sun exposure without the application of sunscreen cause skin disease? No." However, the subjects were mostly African. Not a 1:1 analogy, but I would feel disingenuous not to acknowledge that people involved in the experiment had higher concentration of melanin that gave them more protection.
For cancer treatments, the state of the individual is a critical factor if the patient can undergo radiation therapy. The effects of radiation will be more severe in an elderly feeble person vs a younger, otherwise healthy individual. Regarding the former, maybe it's a virus or a current nosocomial infection (which includes COVID-19 right now) that contributed to their current state.
"Indeed you can't say for certain there is actually no market in Wuhan that does sell bats though, official or no, it just seems less important as you read the second part regarding how the sanitary scrutiny in the virology lab has apparently been lacking for some time, with reports to back it up"
I don't think it's less important. Both are possible avenues of disease transmission. And if rigorous sanitary procedure is lacking in something as severe as a virology lab, that would just lower my trust in food handling regulations and their enforcement.
"Don't the charts show that death tolls from a regular flu were in fact higher than they were for covid-19, within this same time frame?"
I can only speak for America (US). I've heard people say the death tolls aren't much worse (if at all) than past flu strains. If you come across any archived statistics regarding past flu strains I'd love to see them, as I have searched but have not been able to find any.
February deaths: 1
March deaths: 3805
April deaths: 53331
And projected to exceed March deaths total on May 3 (currently 3404 on first two days)
Long-winded rambles seem to be a common consequence with these conversations! :) Likewise, and good to hear it at least seems that way, I do try...
I meant that more as in: 5G radiation is a constant factor, whereas the virus spreads by host and in differing amounts, thus the effect wouldn't be as comparable when turned around, but yes it does have a lot to do with immune system either way.
Melanin is basically skin pigmentation hmm... wonder if conversely dark-skinned people would be better protected against microwave radiation too, and especially then the newer waveforms such as millimeter waves, which have all the more impact on surface tissue...
A familiar (possibly often intentional, industry-driven as they often are) bias example with radiation-related trials in particular there... btw did you know sunscreen generally only protects you from one of the UV types? The one correlated to pigmentation/color in particular, though the other may be the more detrimental one, so it really gives a false sense of protection. A bit similar to how you would get UV-B through window glass, but very little UV-A, and thus don't perceive the light through windows the same as direct exposure. Some sunscreen probably works for both, as with special glass, but SPF only measures UV-B. There's additional possibly carcinogenic effect with sunscreen with some of the ingredients they use too, and the way they close/cover your pores. Best stick to eating carrots and watermelon and building up a protective pigmentation at non-peak exposure times of the day instead, if you can! Though I guess you in particular might not have any of these problems?
But anyway, back to topic... you're right, you can say it both ways, I should clarify: 5G seems like a constant threat, whereas corona would be more of a sporadic one, thus the impact of exposure of one with regard to treating the other seems to me as a much bigger risk with the inescapable 5G.
Regarding the less importance of said bat market, I suppose I'm just more prone to believe the government/some other party would be behind this, and thus place much more value on that particular observation. Bias, yes. True though, I have little faith in their food-related regulations as well. Especially after watching this one documentary on how common it is there with pigs that pretty much live off human excrement...
Right, they had a comparison of this year/last year in the US specifically on page 5/6 here: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Choosing-Life.pdf
Apart from the first two weeks of January, when I don't believe there were any quarantine measures in place (was there?), death tolls are all lower this year, week by week, especially the closer you get to current time. It seems they're fetched from here: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/publications/index.html
Seems logical a large part of the decrease would be thanks to quarantine of course, so still difficult to know how much higher numbers would be without countermeasures. Difficult to know exactly what factors in regard to quarantine decrease with those numbers too. Less gun violence? Less traffic accidents? Maybe people are eating healthier; living healthier overall? On the flipside, maybe the hospitals actually can't take care of certain patients right now, and mortality rates with certain diseases are instead higher than ever, yet since overall numbers are lower you don't see any individual increase? I recall seeing some numbers related to the flu specifically a while back, much lower there, if it was a reputable source, but so many factors...
I'm not saying covid-19 doesn't seem more dangerous than the usual flu, but maybe it wouldn't be so dangerous without certain other extraneous factors...
That really is a scary increase for April though. :/
I put a few more hours of research towards FP/FN and am not comfortable with putting forth a complete, satisfactorily well-founded response. One of the articles listed in the 5G-COVID-19 proposal has inconclusive findings, and the other is in Chinese.
The FDA has a list of approved testing kits including their results (https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/emergency-use-authorizations#covid19ivd - see the IFU documents) but not sure what conclusions to draw just yet.
To give more background on false positives and false negatives.
False positive is when a test yields positive results when in reality the condition is negative.
False negative is when a test yields positive results when in reality the condition is positive.
Obtaining 100% accurate FP/FN can be trivial in something like image classification. Suppose you take 100 images of dogs and cats beforehand, you label the image as dog or cat, and feed them through an image classifier algorithm that determines if the image is a dog or not. TP/TN/FP/FN results are automatically and unambiguously attained by comparing the algorithm results with the image labels.
With medical diagnostics it may not be that simple. The image curator is a reliable source for labeling the images...when it comes to COVID-19, is there some 'master' test that runs simultaneously against the PCR test to which we want to deduce the FP/FN ratio? They could have a known primer of the virus, (and a similar primer that isn't the virus) replicate it, and conduct the test multiple times to ascertain sensitivity and specificity rates, but how well does it apply to real samples.
Moreover, I've heard that a FP is sequentially determined when "the first comes out positive and the second test comes out negative"; for FN "when the first test comes out negative and the second test positive". Respectively, what if the patient's immune system eradicated or contracted COVID-19 between tests?
What is a commonly accepted procedure though, medical tests err on the side of being oversensitive (more false positives)- if you aren't diagnosed as having a disease you won't get treatment and may end up dying, if you are diagnosed as positive, you may undergo treatment and experience adverse affects, but the chances of dying are probably less slim. So indeed, the reported number of cases and deaths attributed to COVID-19 is likely inflated.
Opening up the CEBM article- as an aside
"The US Centre for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) estimated that 150,000 to 575,000 people died from (H1N1) pandemic virus infection in the first year of the outbreak."
Full CDC quote:
"Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** "
so it's worldwide, not just for the US.
"from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus."
That's 12,469 deaths in a year for H1N1 vs 53,331 COVID-19 deaths in the month of April.
Ah. A bit less credible then...
Mmm, makes sense you wouldn't be able to know if a result is false positive or negative if it first hasn't been the other way around. Who knows how many results might falsely show the same status multiple times for a particular individual too? Or does this just not generally happen? Regarding the potential to become healthy after the first test, would conversely catching the virus instead be possible/likely as well? In addition, isn't it possible for viruses to also lodge onto other parts of your body than that which are scraped during the test, before spread/symptoms, Like an eye?
Mmm, better safe than sorry indeed, though good to hear there's actually scientific backing to show for inflated numbers. And the more people that get tested likely also the more inflated.
Regarding the Swine flu, when comparing these numbers I wonder: how many were actually tested for swine flu back in 2009? If the yearly toll of flu-related deaths in general is so much higher than that, how many deaths could then simply have been attributed to other strains, as they are every other year? I don't remember there being at all the same level of panic or measures in place then...
Not trying to downplay the severity of covid-19, just wondering about comparability of these numbers. it seems like the level of involvement at this point would make them seem so much higher no matter what.
Interesting statistics nevertheless, and thanks for the breakdown!
Btw, was sent an interesting bit of some article earlier, haven't fact-checked but interesting if true, both the part on China actually admitting to it escaping their lab, and the components of the virus/ingredients helpful in combating it:
The basic mechanism of infection is that the virus latches onto the cell’s surface. As many laboratories around the world have noted, COVID-19 is weaponized with an HIV delivery system. First noted in India, it is highly likely this is a human virus weaponized with an HIV delivery system and a SARS-like upper respiratory component. At this point, officials from communist China are saying it was accidentally leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan. Some have said that the virus enters through an ACE2 receptors on the cell wall membrane, and, supposedly, Asian people have 5 times more ACE2 receptors than other populations, but I still feel that this is not proven information.
The virus enters the cell via a vesicle called an endosome. Once inside, it releases its RNA into the cell cytoplasm and hijacks the cell machinery to produce more viral proteins and thus virus. It also releases an enzyme called 3CL (3-chymotripsin-like protease). This enzyme attacks the cells defense mechanism against the coronavirus inhibitors.
This brings us to optimum treatment, prevention, which is key to dealing with this because everyone will be exposed.
Include the following herbs and foods in your diet to protect you from COVID-19:
The herbal remedies that are suggested destroy the 3CL and thus protect the cell’s ability to protect itself against the coronavirus. The best for destroying 3CL is quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate which are found in green tea. These anti-3CL substances are also found in:
flax seed
citrus peel
tickberry leaves
orange peel
...might explain in part why Japan is so little affected too. Large consumer of green tea in particular. Or not, considering China has the largest consumption of green tea in the world, and plenty of spice usage too. Hmm...
okay, THIS seems to be a compelling argument (at first glance) for COVID-19 coming from a lab:
Jesus Christ...look at the comments. The evidence is overwhelming. Almost feels like one of those redpill moments, and now I'm wishing I was bluepilled tbh
Hopefully this can be bubble up to the mainstream soon.
Site name/location not imemdiately confidence inspiring but man it really is legit huh! Nice find. Must admit a lot of the sequence info went way over my head, but it seems well-formulated, references and all, in line with what I'd like to believe already. :) Wonder if whomever wrote the comment above had read this as well, maybe those knowledgeable within the field have been skeptical for some time now; doing their own research.
Hope so. The 'as part of a research program whose purpose was to protect the population' bit above doesn't seem as probable now though...
Wonder what the plan really was with this if the above is true. Or if this somehow is the plan. Worldwide pandemic with ulterior motives.