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The David Icke Corona Interview That YouTube Banned

So YT deleted this video, and then they banned all conspiracy theory videos falsely linking coronavirus symptoms to 5G networks (source). Does that mean it's not false after all? What other reason could they possibly have to hide it. If it was easy to debunk, why not open for debate and do so instead?

Judge for yourself though. I haven't fact-checked, but whether this is true or not it's sickening to see how far our freedom of speech has deteriorated, how much the Internet - once a bastion of free thinking - is being supervised, and how much of a big brother society we're living in already, where opposition for the establishment is silenced, and views that don't favor a sanctioned corporate agenda are called misinformation.

Whatever happened to precautionary practices? If people are scared, then why not spend a few years on rigorous testing of potential biological side-effects first? If some people don't want 5G then why still force it on them? Since when did business take precedence over our happiness and content?

5G or no, our freedoms are being evoked at an alarming pace lately.

Seems we need alternative media sources more than ever now, if not for undeniable truth, then at least for the full spectrum of theories and ideas that are out there. There's no progress if not popular nor unpopular opinions and beliefs are challenged, and more importantly no true freedom if we don't at least have a way to have our say, and chime in on what we disagree with. Speak. Have a debate. And settle things like civilized people.

Stay safe, but stay skeptical.


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  1. S3C
    Saturday Apr/11/2020

    Look, I'm against censorship, I don't want David Icke to be banned from Youtubes, I loathe what NewGrounds did in 2013, I think all the potentially harmful conspirators or panic instigators like Alex Jones should be exposed on a large public platform, where a civil, non-partial as possible moderated debate takes place with a diversity of conflicting views. But if you're not familiar with David Icke, he's about as batsh!t insane as it gets. Sure, if you fling enough crap at the wall eventually something's gonna stick, and maybe the correlation between 5G and Corona in China is a truthful causation. But he's also a known racist and holocaust denier, so his recent ban isn't surprising, and there's still plenty of COVID-19 & 5G conspiracy videos on YouTubes for those that need their fix.

    Regarding jumping right into 5G without appropriate testing- well it's a business, ego, and national security decision. I'm sure there will be more research and regulations as the technology gets implemented. I say ego, because I sense a bit of a Sputnik situation. Russia was an inspiration for NASA and the space program in the US. And now China is the lead 5G developer, and not being on good terms with the US, America wants to be the top dawg in this game too. Ego aside, China could use this technology to advance their military, and become a significant threat to usurping Western governments and forcing communism. Even if the technology ends up doing more harm to them in the long term. Yes, it's a valid point to note that the technology could be restricted to military personnel.

  2. Cyber
    Saturday Apr/11/2020

    I am indeed not familiar with David Icke, ironically it's probably only because of the censorship that's going on now that I discovered him, and because of ditto that I'm posting this. If his views are censored then I'll do my part to bypass that censor, accurate or no, some of it I am skeptical to, but you know I'm very much against 5G. So in the end I'm just happy this is igniting a response. I'm happy people are raging against 5G. I'm not convinced with the above, but I'm open to there being grains of truth in what he's claiming. 5G could definitely be weaponized. It could be used to kill people. It might not be yet, but it's dangerous enough that I'd like to see it stopped no matter what, regardless of why, and the idea that it could play a large role in how our immune system copes with whatever virus there might really be in circulation seems to me very likely after all.

    Did you watch the video yourself btw? If so I'd be curious as to your views on the authenticity (or lack thereof) of the testing method he mentions, that they could really be going after genetic residue in the lungs that exists in pretty much everyone, and so case numbers would be neither reliable nor tied to any one specific corona strain.

    Holocaust denier though huh, that sucks. :/

    It's definitely business and arms race all in one yeah, all over the world too due to our allegiances, the former most certainly using the latter as a way to implement faster without any of the testing required for our safety too. Do you believe communism to be a real threat though? As I see it there's no need for an arms race at all here. Any 5G networks could be taken over regardless, having one in operation on home turf would be as much a threat as them having one on theirs. Of course satellites are a different ballgame, but this seems to have more potential for national surveillance and oppression more than anything else. The US basically turning into China as they race against them...

    Have you stumbled upon any corona videos that'd be worth a watch by any chance? Curious to see more, though not about to just delve into a sea of them at random. Too much out there...

  3. Cyber
    Saturday Apr/11/2020

    Btw the bit about the tests/genetic material is early on in the video, if you're interested, so you wouldn't need to watch that far. Can be played at an increased speed too to save time, he talks a bit slowly so it's still easy to follow like that.

  4. S3C
    Sunday Apr/19/2020

    So let me get this straight- you suggest I watch and scrutinize the video content itself, opposed to resorting to ad hominem attacks?? Nah, too much effort...

    'Commentator: I don't agree with everything you say, but I will defend you to the death for the right to say it'

    Me too? I guess. On the subject of 5G and coronavirus, sure. But I don't believe in rights, only responsibilities. And it's not that black and white unfortunately. If he's suggesting to an impressionable crowd to drink Clorox, then no, I won't fight against those that try to censor him, and that's probably outside of the reach of the 1st amendment anyway, if you believe in that stuff.

    First Point ~6:23

    "They extract genetic residue that is in everyone and decide to arbitrarily call it COVID-19"

    This is the 'genetic residue' they are looking for, with a proposed evolutionary relationship to Coronavirus:

    In addition the virus can be shown using electron microscopy.

    He does not provide evidence to why this might be 'normal residue that exists in everyone'. Even if true, this doesn't speak to its contagiousness or pathogenicity.

    Second Point @9:26:

    "The same test for genetic material is used in testing for Lung cancer and Covid 19"

    One relies on structural test and the other for genetic material, so this claim is a bit bizarre. Though both may involve test for certain antigen levels, but that's typically not the major diagnosing factor (for cancer at least). An exception being blood cancers.

    Will have to see the genetic tests he's referring to and when it's employed in lung cancer diagnosis. Lung cancer is detected via a histology test of the cancerous tissue (tumor). Unlike Covid-19 diagnostics, this, too my knowledge, doesn't require genetic analysis of the tissue. The type of cancer is determined by the examining the particular abnormalities tissue through a microscope.

    Third and Fourth Point ~ @10:30:

    'The Inventor of PCR told not to use the technique for infectious material'

    This would be Kerry Mullis. Proof that batsh!t insane people (not talking about Icke here) are like clocks, know matter how broken they are, they're inevitably going to be right sometimes. And thus, we shouldn't censor them.

    Maybe Mullis said that, I don't know. This claim also ignores the fact that PCR techniques have continually been refined since the 80s.

    Kerry Mullis is another AIDS denialist. The last 2-3 decades of his career he was fed-up with how science funded what can be marketable, not poignant ideas in of itself, which is very valid. But ad-homimen attacks aside, let me address the actual point at hand:

    'PCR is not valid because it amplifies the genetic material'

    that's the point. Having a virus is not a quantified measure of having Super vs Baby AIDS, you either have it or you don't. You can't amplify what isn't there.

    More COVID-19 tests are negative than positive. But this is irrelevant if he believes COVID-19 is arbitrarily created through the PCR process. And there is some mass conspiracy, that hospitals throughout the world, including the tiny one right next door to me, are all fabricating their numbers.

    An exception would be testing for antigen levels- but of course statistical techniques and proportional measurements would be taken with caution as not to inflate the actual numbers, as best as possible.

    Fifth Point ~ @0:15:09

    "The COVID-19 fails all four of Koch's Postulates"

    Not relevant in 2020. Nor where they ever an axiom (such notions do not exist in natural science), but a guideline.

    Will restate them here for posterity:

    1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.

    'Healthy' meaning not showing symptoms of the disease. It is pretty much universally agreed that this is not the case. Let's look at herpesvirus for example. Many people are tested to be carriers of the virus. Many of these people do not have sores 100% of the time. HIV is another example. Get the proper medication, you can live asymptomatic for years. But there is no cure and the afflicted will always test positive. If Icke doesn't agree, I challenge him to have unprotected sex with cheap hookers.

    2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.

    Doesn't apply to viruses, as they need a host organism to survive.
    So yes, the claim here is vacuously true.

    3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.

    This is valid, but unethical to prove. Coronavirus-19 doesn't seem to affect animals- so no experiment on lab-rats.

    4. The microorganism must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.

    I think those afflicted that are tested positive for a second time affirms the fourth postulate.

    Here are the 21st century postulates, which still have their limitations and caveats:

    1. A nucleic acid sequence belonging to a putative pathogen should be present in most cases of an infectious disease. Microbial nucleic acids should be found preferentially in those organs or gross anatomic sites known to be diseased, and not in those organs that lack pathology.

    Yes. This is precisely the testing procedure.

    2. Fewer, or no, copies of pathogen-associated nucleic acid sequences should occur in hosts or tissues without disease.

    Shouldn't be a postulate. Different diseases share symptoms.
    Secondly, neglects asymptomatic carriers.

    3. With resolution of disease, the copy number of pathogen-associated nucleic acid sequences should decrease or become undetectable. With clinical relapse, the opposite should occur.

    In general, yes. Negative (secondary) tests correlates with no symptoms.

    4. When sequence detection predates disease, or sequence copy number correlates with severity of disease or pathology, the sequence-disease association is more likely to be a causal relationship.

    Good question to research, but doesn't exactly ascertain anything since many carriers are asymptomatic. Most people only get tested when they start showing signs of the disease anyway.

    5. The nature of the microorganism inferred from the available sequence should be consistent with the known biological characteristics of that group of organisms.

    Yes? COVID-19 is similar to the other family of coronaviruses, namely SARS. Although this strain is more virulent.

    6. Tissue-sequence correlates should be sought at the cellular level: efforts should be made to demonstrate specific in situ hybridization of microbial sequence to areas of tissue pathology and to visible microorganisms or to areas where microorganisms are presumed to be located.

    Yes, oral swabs are used to collect samples of testing.

    7. These sequence-based forms of evidence for microbial causation should be reproducible.

    Absolutely. Over positive cases worldwide.

    Ok, that's all I have and I'm only 15 minutes into the video. I'm spending way too much got damn time on this lol. I should have taken my sabbatical...

  5. Cyber
    Sunday Apr/19/2020

    Damn straight man! Thanks for doing so after all. :) Didn't need to delve that far either huh, fifteen minutes seems like the relevant chunk, though you missed some fascinating bits about government workers with drug-containing patches they need to replace every 72 hours lest they die in excruciating pain. Though not really related to the issue at hand, moving on...

    Rights or responsibilities... that's fair. All rights that serve a greater good. Though who are we to judge what that greater good is? First step of censorship and potential oppression. What if we all live in a simulation and Clorox is the one thing that wakes us up? Hmm that is probably a good amendment yeah...

    First: Hmm that does look legit, so first point not entirely certain but plausibly untrue...

    Second: Alright, maybe he really doesn't know what he's talking about here, or maybe it's not the most common lung cancer detection practice he compares to...

    Third/Fourth: OK this one's convincing, especially the negative/positive ratio on tests. Seems false-negative results account for about 30% too. As for antigen tests, are those common? An easier method, though less reliable?

    Fifth: Really interesting one this one. Seems to show he really doesn't know what he's talking about, or is referencing guidelines that most people won't know enough of or learn enough about if they actually take the effort to look them up as to make his claims seem more credible. It is easy to understand how these wouldn't apply well in the covid-19 case. Good reference.

    Seems even the modern set isn't perfect either huh, a bit more cautionary/vague it seems, as to I assume be more widely usable...

    Well I guess that's it. Genetic residue uncertainties in particular thoroughly debunked. Not as easy to tackle 5G what with the lack of proof both for or against his theories, but this was definitely enlightening. Reasons for virus debatable, but the virus itself very probably seems to be there... thanks for taking that time with this! You're still working then? No extra free time in lieu of these strange self-isolation days?

    Constantly getting thrown off by the term diseased by the way. So similar to deceased; applicable also in so similar contexts. Rotted tissue hmm...? Ah, no, just not healthy... I guess you get used to the distinction pretty quick when in the field.

  6. S3C
    Sunday Apr/19/2020

    Clorox to wake us up?? Ever heard of the Jonestown cult suicide? 909 dead, about 1/3 of them children:

    Much appreciated, but I wouldn't want to give the notion that I have debunked anything. It's only fair to give the opposition the opportunity to clarify any points I misinterpreted, mull over my arguments for a few days, and come back with a (hopefully good-spirited) rebuttal when ready. And the conversation continues.

    I generally don't work Saturdays so I had all day. My intention was to leave after the self-deprecating comment, but I thought it would be fair if I just see what the video had to say. Would have watched more, but I already spent about two hours writing the comment and perusing relating readings. I'm glad you found what I wrote enlightening, I think it's important to discuss, but anything with political or "stupid sheeple" overtones gives me bad vibes. There's stuff that makes me happy that I rather would be pursuing- like music, improving my software development techniques, getting better with Linux, or working on my latest NewGrounds script that tells me who the top blog posters are...stay tuned

  7. Cyber
    Monday Apr/20/2020

    Ooh damn. :/ No hadn't heard of that. There's definitely a difficulty with free speech in how it could also be used to bring about most dangerous ideas and preconceptions, but at the same time... it feels like the lack of free speech might be even more dangerous. Or more so the lack of access to information and opinion, and for that to circulate freely. In this case it seems to have been an enclosed gathering of people, susceptible to the words of one seemingly deranged leader. Seems it'd be so much easier to infer your convictions on a mass of people if they don't know that there are people out there who don't share them. If everyone has access to everything, and everything is discussed, then hopefully the most destructive ideas can be broken down, and views changed. If you're not even allowed to bring up certain topics, then chances are they'll proliferate within closed circuits instead, their validity seemingly enforced by censorship, where everybody feeds off the same conviction; just makes it stronger and stronger, no matter how baseless it is.

    That danger with cults and cultivated opinions... but of course, the experiences we're exposed to mold us into who we are and how we think about things anyway. And dangerous ideas can take root either way. The best way, difficult...

    Hmm humble man. :) That'd be ideal indeed. Would be interesting if Icke did somehow find and respond to said commentary, or address similar points people elsewhere are most probably bringing forth...

    Oh that long! Well this first bit is probably the one which has most to do with your field. Really appreciate it. Hmm top blog posters! I'm assuming that's Wegra. :) Looking forward to that, wish there'd been something like that back when I'm pretty sure I had the record, maybe I'll need to get back to it...

    Been wondering if they'll ever start counting blog comments too. Might be at the top there. Possibly surpassed by VicariousE. You're bound to be somewhere high too... not sure how much you comment outside of mutual threads and those posts you seem to stumble upon my comments on?

    If you feel like doing any musical collabs I'm free anytime, single tracks or larger projects. Been meaning to do way more music overall this year.

    Good luck with that stuff! Gotta pursue those true passion projects over all.

  8. S3C
    Tuesday May/5/2020

    Me after finding out Trump recommends bleach injections following my above Clorox hypothetical:

    Well I was having a look at the old Gothenburg mix you posted a few years back, I was trying to rework the levels a bit myself, but I think the original sounds better and more or less ready for posting, even if not ideal quality.

  9. Cyber
    Tuesday May/5/2020

    He actually recommends that now?! XD Damn. Was wondering how many people might actually give it a try after he wondered if it was possible a while back. Crazy... no wonder death tolls are rising over there...

    Nice. Gothenburg though... wonder which one that was... the path one? Best move to PM with this bit...

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