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The Death Of Dattebayo


It's official since way back, Dattebayo is gone.

Their site was down before summer and it's still down, and it won't ever be up again. No last message, nothing, so what happened? No answer. Intense searches all over cyberspace give no answer, they just backed out. Speculations are countless, but the probable is that they just stopped. They didn't feel like subbing anymore. Both Bleach and Naruto were dropped a while back and I can't say I've been visiting the site for their other newer projects, but it's still a shame seeing one of the first fansubbing groups disappear.

Not to mention the one group who managed to always release subs for new episodes within one or two days after their release date. They quicksubbed hundreds of episodes with staggering speed until Naruto got licensed and Bleach started getting streamed all over the Internet. New groups took their place quickly but I'll remember the days. RIP.

UPD: If you're looking for the site check the Wayback Machine. Still there.


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