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The Midsummer Post

It's midsummer! The longest day of the year!

It feels strange celebrating it here, in Bro, Stockholm, but what's also strange is that I probably celebrated it more today than I usually do when up North on vacation. Right now I'm not really celebrating. I'm sorting through old site material, and writing things, and doing useful stuff. I actually started writing this post this morning, but my cousin called and invited me to their Midsummer party, and I cycled away in a haste, such much of a haste I didn't have time even to power down this computer. It's been surging power all day, surfing the net at its own accord, this draft open and unposted as I left, locking the door with unnatural speed and agility.

The party was great. When I say party, I'm thinking booze and loud music btw, but that's really not the kind of party it was. That's not the kind of party I'm used to attending or want to attend either. I don't know why I get such an impression from the word. We ate pancakes and played Carrom, and later waffles with ice cream, we were on our way to the shop to recycle bottles but found out it was closed, we played cards on a fuzzy blue carpet right by the fan, while clouds collected outside, drunk Russian Earl Grey and talked, and ate small heart-shaped yogurt ice-cream pralines, and I left with a stack of comics and some leftover cake. It's been a great day!

Just a little company livens up a day so much. I woke up this morning feeling bland and motiveless, went shopping and realized that you should never go shopping on Midsummer. Even if the potatoes are incredibly cheap. The queues were intense. I came back and still wasn't in the spirit for work, but I've accomplished more in an hour after return than I did in four hours before I left, leaving many of these same tasks incomplete, and I'm saying this because... I don't get out enough? Maybe I don't.

But it's been a great day and that's really all I'm here to say. Hope you have had or are having or will have a very Happy Midsummer! May the rain pour and the clouds gather, just like they're supposed to. Just don't let them take your shine away. ;)

Summer is just beginning.


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