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This Weird Steam Thing

This Weird Steam Thing

Weird, isn't it?


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  1. Cyber
    Saturday Dec/10/2022

    Ah that certainly does seem weird too...

  2. Ivan
    Sunday Dec/11/2022

    this is kind of relevant since im linking to games on steam,
    anyway what you think about these two fps games?

  3. Cyber
    Sunday Dec/11/2022

    Though it seems you're kinda just trying to cheat your way around comment-related rules and intentions at this point. I'll bite in this case though...

    I think you'd linked to DUSK earlier, or I'd just heard about it elsewhere, anyway:

    I haven't played either, but they both seem fun. With Fashion Police Squd in particular I really like the added swing/parkour kind of element they seem to have added in, it seems to try something new compared to similar FPS games, though I'm not as big a fan of how the sprites seem flatter than they need to be. Whereas old FPS games actually made things look more 3D than was technically possible at the time, by for example rotating 2D sprites so they always faced the player and gave the impression they were actually fully-dimensional sprites, this game just shows that they're flat sometimes. It feels almost like it's parodying iconic games, though if I didn't get that impression maybe I'd just think it was a cool aesthetic; design choice. I like the design otherwise, and it seems like fun.

    DUSK on the other hand seems like fun all the way! I love the atmosphere, and the visual style reminds me of the original Quake. There's a lot that reminds me of DOOM too, like the fireballs, the tunnels... it also feels almost unnecessarily pixelized, just to make it seem older than it is, but otherwise it seems to take itself seriously. It really seems to be trying to recreate that old golden-age FPS kind of experience. I think I'd have fun with this one too.

    Both seem like good games! I'm not sure I'll play 'em/prioritize them over current favorites, but if I had time to spare I definitely wouldn't mind. They'd probably take me back too.

  4. Cyber
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    Ah that's why you asked.

    In response to your review question there, though I'm not the right one to answer: I assume it's because it was a commission, and the outcome of the duel a part of what the commissioner requested.

  5. Ivan
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    and that is actually wrong because read here the commission prices
    homar chose the 10 euros option what does that tell you?
    and i actuall asked because more games look interesting and fun to me

  6. Cyber
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    Ah you know who commissioned it! It seems with the £15 option at least you can fix the fight as per your preferences, but if it was a lower tier you're right it seems there'd usually be a poll for it. Maybe he didn't want to make one for it when he didn't know either of the characters, or just wanted to finish it faster; move onto other commissions...

    My bad for making assumptions regarding the question then, they do seem like fun games.

  7. Ivan
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    i actually sent something rather funny about it on discord please go check it out my current discord tag is
    marisa the witch#1753

  8. Cyber
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    Oh lmao XD That's a real screenshot too? He really didn't care too much about those characters then...

  9. Ivan
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    he actually has wishlistd dusk on steam tho

  10. Cyber
    Monday Dec/12/2022

    That's awesome

    Wonder if he really knows more about the game than he lets on then, or if maybe he wishlists things without really looking into what they are...

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