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Trap (2024)

Trap (2024)

Shamalayan is at it again! And Josh Hartnett is as great as ever.

The tagline speaks of a sinister event at a concert, and thus I was expecting some kind of mass hypnosis or other morbid and disturbing event but... this wasn't that at all. It's more like Dexter. It's the story of a serial killer, but without killing, and ultimately... you can't help root for the guy can't you?

There's a Shamalayan on stage too. I wonder what her relation is to the director. She gets a more central role than you expect, as the main characters slowly but surely creep closer and closer to the action...

It's an interesting twist on a typical tale. It's elaborate, and captivating, but until it nears the end not particularly intense. It's like a modern take on the classic Psycho - that story of Edra Cobb, and his unhealthy ties to his mother. It all goes back to the mother doesn't it?

I'm not totally blown away by this movie but... I like it. I like how differently it does a typical thing. I like how you're just at every moment waiting for everyone to start dying violently - like when the Butcher had the drop on a whole squad of cops - and yet he just walks right through them to the coffee machine...

Unconventional, is why it's so good, though the concert music is disappointingly bland until they're in a more intimate space instead, playing on the Butcher's piano. The more I think about how unconventional everything is the more it all grows on me. It's fascinating...

Solid movie all in all. Maybe deserves more than a...

 rated 4.5/5: almost awesome


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  1. S3C
    Sunday Dec/29/2024

    I heard this was stupid

  2. Cyber
    Sunday Dec/29/2024

    I'm glad I didn't read up on reviews before I watched it then.

    If you're expecting more sinister and violent things from it maybe that's the impression you get... I really liked it though. It does things differently.

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