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Under Paris (2024)

Under Paris (2024)

To save Paris from a bloodbath, a grieving scientist is forced to face her tragic past when a giant shark appears in the Seine.

A statue of liberty in Paris! Didn't expect to see that here. Though there was a lot that I didn't expect to see here. A surprisingly realistic shark intro for one. I've become accustomed to sub-par Jaw-style spin-off's, it it seems, but this one really did something new with it. They took it further, as most do, but in a different way. And along the way it goes from a 4.5 to a 4 to a 5 all the way... it's special eh?

The special effects are especially well-made. For but a few shark-related shots that just don't compute with me - even if they are realistic. Shots that follow the shark, as it swims erratically, at a crazy pace. It may be the way it moves for real but it just doesn't look real the way it's captured, in the way the camera manages to follow it's movements as well.

They capture the chaos though, the panic, and the total lack of competence as far as politicians go. It's always like that in French movies it seems, with the incompetence. It's like it's publicly acceptable over there - maybe even called for - to ridicule your leaders. Not that I mind. Their incompetence may be somewhat exaggerated by their arrogant demeanor, but it's true. I'm glad they do.

What I like most about this though is not the show of incompetence, or chaos, or carnage, but the water. The plastic island. The underwater footage of scraps and debris. Skulls and timestamps in the catacombs of Paris... the water-related scenes are beautiful, and though it may seem almost like a tourist promo at times I don't think I've ever experienced Paris like this in a movie before. From above and below both, it's impressive.

And it's real. It packs a message. It may be a little far-fetched with the sharks specifically, but with little else. The naivete of the young ocean loving activists too... they mirror the politicians in a way. In their incompetence and lack of sensibilities, pure though their intentions may be.

This was a great movie. A whole new take on the watery graves and grave dangers the waterscapes maybe raise... Under Paris.

 rated 4.5/5: almost awesome


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