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Week 18 - The Seagull Week

I wonder how many PMs I respond to each week. Around a hundred? Two hundred? Should count them some time... if I do it'll probably turn out one of the least active weeks... but why not start with this one. That I shall do. Jot down all batches of messages I respond to on the fly, in a text-file, and with next weeks post I shall provide some numbers! Actually scratch that, I just need to check the dates! Let's see, last week was... 180 sent PMs. Not bad. Give or take a few received ones. I realized recently, on the infrastructure of said site on which I send and research such vast amounts of messages, that only received messages count towards the storage limit. For sent messages there is no limit! Hurrah! If they impose one retrospectively I wonder what'd happen to all the old ones... and I wonder how many PMs the top dogs on the site get... and I wonder if this is actually of interest to anyone other than myself...

This past week I've posted about a seagull, 6 movie reviews (though I just got around to posting the latter 3) and a uick note on how CyberD is officially - sometime around this time - turning ten years old! Maybe I should make up an official anniversary date so there's a day to celebrate? Maybe later. And btw, the Q key on my keyboard is malfunctioning, let me just... pluck the key out and... holy shit I think I need to clean my keyboard... OK, tidying up aaaand... all groovy. It's amazing what a little removing keys and scraping out old grease can do - it feels like new, though I think I managed to twist one of the holders a bit so it's a little wobbly, but aaaanyway:

I wrote a chime (a collective of combined poetry and rap in audial form) a couple of days ago, just the one day, but it's the first musical thing I've posted in quite a while. You can find that here. On that note I also just removed a plugin I've been using to play audio on this site for a long time! WP Audio Player, once upon a time one of the most useful snippets of code I stumbled across, has now outlived it's purpose. With the newest version of WP support for audio and video embeds is included, so I'm using those. If you see some non-working audio shortcodes or players, that's the reason (would be awesome if you'd let me know if you stumble upon such non-working links, I'm running queries in batch to sort these things out rather than go through the shortcodes one by one, so it's possible I'll miss some of the ones that don't follow the same structure). I also made my first userscript but that didn't turn out so well, the functionality I based it one was changed a few hours after I'd completed the script - created profiles on two userscript communities, posted and tweaked it. What a bummer. The idea did further evolve into this though, a pretty elaborate lightbox userscript for viewing images you might not usually be able to view (by B1KMusic)! Check that out.

(I wrote part of ^ and this on Sunday -->) We were supposed to have guests over today but they never came, they're coming on Tuesday instead, which is good because I had a chapter deadline and as always I started a bit later than I should have. Actually I started yesterday, way earlier than I usually do, but I keep getting distracted; keep doing other things. And now I'm writing this and... well wait a sec, I'll keep writing soon as I finish this assignment...

...and now two days have gone by! And we are having guests today instead, if they can make it. :/ Been a hellishly effective start of the week, but that's all for the next post. The seagull still hasn't shown up, so I'll leave the second post as the end to the mystery it still is. I did get a couple of additional answers from the voluntary organization I contacted though, stating that vets are required to at least kill animals free of charge (animals that are 'owned by the state' that is - IOW wild animals). If the animals are your own, it's a different matter entirely, but as for taking care of them... that's something we as a country are wholly bad at. You'd think a country with so much wilderness would have a better hand with animals right? Anyway, I'm late with this post but catching up; doing stuff! It's been an eventful seven day session. Last week is here. This week was good.


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  1. Doomroar
    Tuesday May/6/2014

    Congratulations on re-watching the animatrix!

  2. Cyber
    Wednesday May/7/2014

    Thanks man! It's one of those movies you can watch a lot of times, where knowing how the plot unfolds doesn't really spoil the experience!

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