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Week 20 - In A Flash

Another week flashed by! We're having guests over in a moment so I'll post a very concise summary here, in which probably the most prominent news is that Doom 4 is out!! I was plotting to post a more elaborate iteration of this grand event, but I haven't played it myself yet so... maybe it'd be better when I have. Which might be a while. But it looks awesome.

Otherwise life's been work, and stuff, you know: the usual. I took a one-day shopping spree on Wednesday, whilst servicing my bike for the summer, and found four pairs of shoes of which I could only purchase two. When I look for shoes It's rare I find such a surplus of both cheap and comfortable footwear, since the cheap shoes are rarely my size (12-13), so I wish I could've bought them all! How many shoes is too many shoes? Since they're perishable goods that dry up and decay with time, it feels like it'd be a waste to have too many unused, but at least my current ones are worn out and in need of replacement, full of holes in 'em. Wish the trend for shoes went as it did with old denim.

I have a attained a helmet too, which I premiered this Saturday on my way to work, and though I really really don't like wearing stuff on my head, it feels like the right thing to wear. The scrubs after my last skirmish left me a bit weary of potential crashes, though gliding forth in thin shorts and T-shirt at 30 km/h doesn't feel very safe either. I also bought some back-training equipment which I hope will let me better my posture, jogged a couple ehh just the one day aaand that's it I think.

Everything else has been pretty eventful but non-mentionable. And also: two interesting kickstarters, and a really great Ice Cube interview. Edit: stumbled upon another part.

Random wonder: Do colorblind people get affected the same way normal people do by the same colors? For example, do they get soothed by blue, even if it's red for them?

On the blog I just posted this, and another 6 reviews. I've now reviewed all the emboldened movies mentioned in this late but not old post too... except for Zombieland 2, which is still in the works. Here's last week; see you next one!


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