I went on a one-day cruise yesterday, together with my cousin David. We ventured to Åland and back, explored both boats extensively, roamed around the corridors in search for lost gold and potential entertainment, played cards, ate a breakfast Buffet and watched the rain pour on the way home. At the end of our journey there was even the occasional flash of lightning, and I recorded some rainy footage I plan on clipping together, when time allows, to showcase the mysterious atmosphere of our adventure. Really though, it was a fun trip, a relaxing break in a schedule that is aggravatingly busy considering I could've attained a head-start on all my deadline work had I started everything as soon as possible. You might even say it was worth getting up at 4:30 in the morning for it.
This week has been both work and fun. My parents are both up North already, where I'll be joining them in an additional week, so I've spent this one with the house to myself. Which means... there's a lot of dish-washing, plant-watering, food-prepping, dust-swiping and post-fetching tasks to accomplish in addition to regular studies. I've been slowly but steadily emptying the fridge, plowing through half-finished assignments I've initially had no interest in completing, and at the start of the week it was going gruelingly slow. At the end of it, I started picking up pace, settling into the routine of working as if I had a real job, playing games only after dinner, watching zero movies, taking morning walks, living a both efficient and luxurious life with a formidable mind, set to formable mindset, not very much minding my form, unlike the norm, but rather educational accomplishments.
Just now, I finished a final reflective survey (or something like that) for a Creative Writing course I've been attending. I handed in the final assignment this morning, a self-reflective essay, after handing in two assignments for another course the day before yesterday (which I spent cruising). I'm feeling particularly proud of my accomplishments this weekend, though there is still much to be done. Main course down, minor courses remaining. Deadlines coming soon. The next three days will be insanely hectic, and I hope I can be insanely efficient. Let's hope for rainy days. If you're all like ??? then skip a line break.
It's getting so hot outside that the computer room still hasn't cooled down even though the minutes are nearing midnight. I'm sitting in boxers. There's no other alternative. Sitting without would be indecent. I could barely use the computer after four in the afternoon. I tried, but after a while I could hear the sound of braincells popping in my mind... in my mind. It's hard to think properly above 30C, for me, a mere Swede with a rare need of warmth even though we're cold folks with a rare greed for spare feed. I was thinking thoughts that I... where was I going again? That's why it would be nice with some rain tomorrow. Last week.
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