It's a shift of months! New start and all that is what I'd like for it to imply, but this transition just passed in a flash - as all these recent weeks seem to do.
It's been work and stuff, some progress on that much-overdue Flash I had planned to have done before this shift of months, and some other stuff, and that's all. My parents drove up North last weekend, so I've had this week to myself, which means... a lot more house work. :/ Freedom too, of course. After a short session of melancholy I'm now enjoying all the perks such freedom entails, like completely fucking up my sleeping habits, though I finally seem to be getting them back under control this weekend. I'm back to bedtimes around 1 right now, which gives me a reasonable amount of sleep time before I have to get up on those days when I need to be certain places at certain times.
I had a rare massage this Friday, since my back's been feeling a bit broken recently. I'm doing some posture training, and did some jogging early in the week, but I think that made things worse, so no more jogging for a while now. I have some back strengthening sessions I'll be trying instead.
I had a scary bank experience early this week. I went on one night to check my account balance, and the login did not work. Either I had no account
, or I'd asked them to shut down my access to their Internet service
was what I was told when I tried to login. If this was during day I could've called support, but it was night, and they were closed, so I tried to get some sleep aaand the next day it was all working fine. No errors. No issues. No evidence of last night's oddity, just a pending uncertainty as to if I should maybe switch bank.
I understand banks can have problems with their services just like anyone else, but if there is a problem, the user should know what the problem is. Being issued a faulty warning from a bank does not inspire confidence. So, folks, if you're in the process of opening an account somewhere, and you're considering Santander Consumer Bank, do consider some other alternatives.
In other news, Preacher is becoming a series! Hell yeah! :D That iconic comic I first found in my big brother's stash as a kid (it was probably way too early for me to be reading comics of that caliber), and finally finished reading years later online... it's getting real! It's a crazy story - crazy and awesome, though maybe that's just my nostalgia speaking. Either way: I am hyped! I don't usually follow regular TV shows, but this will definitely be an exception. And for those of you who've never heard of Preacher before, here's the Wikipedia link.
In unrelated context, here's a dope Chris Webby freestyle., and here's Common, and Joey Bada$$, and some Lee Mazin. Maybe I should make some Musicalish posts with content like this hmm... when it comes to freestyles, it seems like Sway really gets the best verses on his show btw. I should put up a compilation of the dopest ones sometime. And last but least, here's an interesting Kickstarter: a keyboard with built-in privacy! Though it's not cheap.
On the blog I've posted some music and 6 movie reviews. Here's last week, and that's about all I have to tell you. Once again: apologies for the one day delay with the weekly. Even though I've had the whole weekend free (to waste on movies when I need to get shit done), I wasn't feeling all that well yesterday.
Had a streak of sun stroke this Wednesday too, on that particular day on which I was particularly much outside and drank particularly little water, and went shopping on in the afternoon (bought an electric fly swatter and a water gun - the clothes I was there for had sold out).
The sun's been up pretty much all week, and though I have not spent as much time with it as I'd like, due to work and what-not, I am enjoying the rare moments I get! At first the heat was nigh unbearable, but even though the sun is blazing just as fiercely now as it was last Monday, it's much cooler. It's a cool sun. Sunglasses and all. Shining through the glass is a call, a call to go outside! Out into the sun! Out into the warmth! Get out there and run! Stop just sitting indoors! Sizzling in lack of breeze, but I'ma just finish this Flash, then I'll be free to leave. I'll speak: to yall again, next week.
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