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Week 24 - Up North

So I'm up, North, typing this during my second visit to the nearest place with shopping facilities (two of them!) and a public library computer (just the one) - Överkalix. I'm also suddwenly made aware that my site doesn't look quite right on low screen resolutions, like 1024x768, no doubt a leftover bug from a recent (failed) attempt to make the sidebar disappear when you shrink the screen. Guess I'll have to fix that, in September...

I handed in my final assignment late night last Monday, spent the day after cleaning up and eating ice cream and then ventured to the airport at sunfall. The bus had some motor trouble, and black smoke billowed from the engine, but it made it to the airport OK. At the airport, it turned out that my plane was 50 minutes behind schedule. I played cards with a cousin, walked around impatiently, and finally, after a quick check-in and a flight in a sparsely inhabited plane with televisions in front of every couple of rows and blue light in the aisle, I arrived in Luleå, reunited with my family up North, and after a long drive home and a quick look around finally went to sleep, around two... again.

Since then there's been a lot of digging, planting, and eating meals with much greater gratitude than I usually do. A buddy came by yesterday, we took a tour into Överkalix last Friday (no visual deviances, it all looks just like I remember it!) and now we're back again because the left pedal on my bike fell off; apparently it needs some repair. Otherwise? The lake is cold, the air is fresh, summer might just be waiting behind a gray cloud. Sunlight is spontaneous and neverlasting.

Next weekend we're taking a trip to Kangos in time for Midsummer, but until then I expect there'll be a lot of digging involved before everything's planted and variational work is granted. Maybe even some vacation! :D See you in an unexpectable amount of time. Last week.


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