So I watched one more anime episode after all, Hunter X Hunter episode 135. And I thought One Piece was heartfelt... this series might move past my all-time favorite if it keeps going like this! Intense. And shit, I watched the last episode of One Piece too, which turned out another suitable place to end so that was OK. Good thing there was no Naruto this week though or I'd have probably watched that as well. Vacation's coming up though, so soon these addictions will begone again!
In other news: the week has been busy. Two work days, though one was canceled last-minute. Took a trip to the city on Wednesday, ate a huge pizza, had a good time. Took another trip in on Friday, to a Fish spa (it was a gift!) and another restaurant, passed by my cousins place to fetch leftover food just before they rode up North. I'm usually way ahead of them, but this year's twisted. Took a long walk with a buddy this Saturday, and between these bouts of unusual high-level recreation I've been sorting files like crazy, posting old shit and hoping to get things sorted and old projects finished before I leave. As always it feels like I've been leaving way too much till last second. Why don't I ever start with stuff like this in good time?! Or do I actually have more time to focus on these things now that work and studies are both done for this semester...? Either way, what I don't finish now I'ma finish as soon as I get back. And if I don't need to do it, there's no harm in abandoning old projects, life is priorities, no need to keep and do everything. I need to tell myself that more often.
This week I've posted 11 movie reviews, 8 batches of game screenshots that have been lying around forever, an old TM2 review, a few old artworks, an old Maxthon Test, another Musicalish and a bit about GOG and Unity.
Next week... there will be no weekly post, probably, cause I probably won't be visiting a public computer that soon. I'll post something before I leave though, and hope most of the tasks I've set out for myself before then are accomplished. Even if they aren't, I know everything will be quickly forgotten as soon as the plane hits the sky. Just three days left now! Here's last week.
This was pretty damn interesting. And yet, nobody's spoken! Be the first!
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