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Week 29 - Back Again

So we ventured to Kangos again, on Friday, on a whim, and now we're back... again. We arrived late one day, stayed one day and rode back home at four in the morning the next, passing by Gällivare to pick up a nephew and visit a few friends. It was a sleepless journey, but I've taken back time now with a good ten hours o sleep.

The lake's chilly, the wind's fierce, strawberries are ripe, we've started filling buckets with cloudberries and blueberries, red/black currents will be done soon, salad (etc) is on the rise, and I just bought a hundred old comics... amongst other useful items. My nephew's staying two weeks, my sister's leaving on Thursday this week (she arrived Thursday last week); I just booked my flight back to Stockholm - September the second.

We visited out Grandma twice, once at the hospital in Gällivare and again, the next day, at a rehabilitation center in Pajala. Right now she looks OK. Great! No time to write now, but all is alright, how? You ask. I afterlaugh, and just like that-

( Oh, here's last week. )


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