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Week 45 - A Normal Week

Last night I was staring at the screen for maybe two hours trying to keep myself from bidding on a GBA Advance with 22 games, of which six were Pokemon FireRed, Pokemon LeafGreen, Pokemon Sapphire, Shining Soul and Breath of Fire 2. Also Pokemon Red, Silver and Trading Card Game for GBC.

I have none of those except for Pokemon Sapphire and a broken Pokemon Silver (I do have a surplus of other Pokemon games), so being the genetic collector I inevitably am my mind was screaming at me to buy it, even though I don't need it, even though I've actually been pondering selling older games I've recently realized - with the temptations of newer consoles remakes and better releases - I'll probably never play. The minutes ticked by, my hand writhing above that Enter button, but I finally whisked away my collectors torment with a sudden whim of willpower, closed the tab and didn't buy it. Hurrah!

That said, I have been bidding on a few other things. Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon cards...

And so I got into Pokemon again.

I erased someone's incredibly high-level save on a second-hand Pokemon Diamond game I'd bought, spent 21 pokeballs, 2 great balls and finally one dusk ball attempting to catch a lv12 Murkrow, amongst other things, and am so far 84 indexed critters, 4 badges and 2 traded monsters that won't listen to me into that game. Murkrow is hella hard to catch! And so is Chansey. But I did get them both. All the others pokedudes seem way easier than I remember.

I was just recently - after tinkering with my routers usually off-turned wifi - about to test the online features of the game and trade around the globe, but realized much to my dismay that Nintendo has, as of May this year, ended WIFI support for all games on the NDS. More than a third of the games supporting such features are Pokemon games, and the last one of these (14) Pokemon games was released in 2011!! That's barely two years of access before Nintendo pulled the plug. Either Nintendo's financial situation isn't too great, or it's a deliberate marketing move to migrate users to their newer consoles, and considering their low sales I'm opting for the latter. I'm sure plenty of voluntary parties would've been willing to carry on the WIFI service for them had they asked. Bad service.

In other news: I'm getting hyped about the soon-to-be-released Shady Records XVI (hope that's the right number), with both a trailer and cartoon (NSFW!) this week. Speaking movies, I've been meaning to watch some F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang and George Melies. How about movie reviews dated 1920s for a change? Don't think I've ever done that before.

Overall this week has been a highly normal week, and that about sums it up.

On the blog I've posted Musicalish #41, 10 Best Movies of 2013, Halloween Carvings, a Post-it, Kickstarter In Sweden, So Many Movies, Firefox Crash On A Loop, Using Foreign Characters In Filenames, Winning Winning Winning and 8 movie reviews. And don't talk to police. Now here's last week.


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