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Week 47 - Advent Stars

Advent Stars Now!

It's Advent! Christmas is official. The stars are in the windows, the lights are on, and the snow falls softly outside. Suddenly, the dark of winter's not quite so dark, and a tide of better tidings tilt in on a jilted whim, like a quilted villain. For just a while... I don't wish I was Brazilian - a civilian sizzling on a sandy pavilion, another one dreamer in a billion vermilion. Picture's the view from my guestroom office btw.

And it's been a great week. I could probably elaborate a bit more, but I'm a bit low on time tonight so I'll just sum it up with that. It's been great. Work. Preparation. An intense session of Black Friday shopping-pondering, and on Tuesday a tour of Vällingby in search for ice cream - more on that in some later post. NaNoWriMo is going great as well. I passed the 50,000 barrier today with a whooping 10,000 word post (it's a new record!), and that little musical collaboration I've spoken about earlier? It's coming online tomorrow! Keep your ears peeled.

Moviewise I've been watching a lot of X-Men recently, and it's pretty intriguing how well the story ties in to our current political landscape. I don't usually post politics here on the blog, but this made me laugh, and hey, I backed that thing! Hope enough people chime in and make it happen. I also managed to get a pair of cheap hosting accounts at re-occurring rebates, right before Black Weekend passed, but more on that in some other post as well. No reseller though. Not yet.

Gamewise I'm still stuck wandering around in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, but making progress! Also keep your eyes peeled for a little spin-off artistry project I threw together last month. Should be up within the coming week as well, and maybe one other much overdue update... I'm watching movies too though. Reviews, routines; all the usual. Can't quit.

On the blog I've posted this, this, this, this, this, this and this, 6 new reviews, and 2 additionals on old movies, and here's last week. Hope you had a good one! If you didn't: give this one a try. It better.


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