It's Wednesday! So here I am again, with yet another daily post for this week. I've done a month of daily double flashes and audio submissions as well as ALMOST a month of daily deposits and an average of 1 BBS Post, Music Review and Flash Review per day, so a week with daily news seems like an unquestionable follower! Right? Anyhow, I actually had some school today. Woke up early (8) and traveled by train to the university for a semi-interesting lecture on Japanese Tea Ceremonies. I learned how the tea plant was originally developed (it grew from Bodhidarma's ripped off eyelids), how a disciple finally took him out of his trance by cutting off an arm, how the tea tradition was brought to Japan from China, why they had tiny doors you had to crawl through in the early teahouses and much more. Does this sound interesting to you? Maybe you should study Japanese then!
All our lectures so far have been varied and a few legendary Japanese movies have been shown as well. Strangely though, none of Akira Kurosawa's, but the teacher said that he tried gathering a selection of movies we probably hadn't seen already. I haven't seen any of Akira Kurosawa's movies, but I'd like to. A movie that I have seen, though, is Zatoichi, which they will be showing us next week. On Friday this week we're having a lecture on Anime, or more specifically Japanese Animation, something that is today well known around the globe. I feel almost inspired to fetch my external HD and start watching the GITS Stand Alone Complex series, one of the few that I have saved for rainy days and have not yet seen.
It was cold today, ice cold. I had to wear one of my newer jackets, one that's warmer than the current summer jacket I've worn since March. I even had to put something on my head and black leather gloves on my hands, the thermometer displayed -3C this morning but it felt like -30C. The ground has stayed frozen the whole day (even in the city) and the little snow that's left after the past few days sunny melting rampage is still here tonight. After I got home from University I made myself a lunch as warm as possible and sat down by the computer to finish a few website related missions I've set for myself. These missions consisted of a big library update, 100 new games to the games section, round corners on the sidebar and finally finishing the BBGrounds and WonPeace websites, among other things
I took a trip to my buddy Andreas house later on, but he wasn't home, so I came back and watched...
Perfect Stranger (2007)
Perfect Stranger is a movie starring that Die Hard character and that other female figure thats been in a countless number of movies already that I really should know the name of by now. Of course I remember Bruce Willis, who can't remember a name like Bruce Willis? As for the other character it's a mystery. It's a great movie. The main character is a reporter, and a good one at that, trying to uncover the secrets that rich and powerful men hide. In the beginning it seems like just any other romantic thriller, but there's much more to it than that. The main characters aren't always what they seem to be and there are plenty of secrets to be unrevealed. I hope I don't spoil it for you by saying that things won't turn out as predictable as you think they would in the very end. The very very end is also the intro, which connects a couple of dots and makes you say: "Aha - So that's what it was!"
This is truly one of the most complex movies I've watched. Very intelligent. Great plot, great actors. Not filled with violence as my favorites usually tend to be, but it's still intense and I highly recommend it!
rated 4/5: fo shizzle
Murder On Spec (2006)
Talking about intros at the end and vice versa, here's another one with one. It's a good movie, in the same genre as the previous watched one and pretty 'intelligent' as well. In difference from the above this one is about a wife and her husband, secret affairs, murder. Doesn't sound too interesting, does it? It's just as it sounds. It wasn't that interesting, but it's still worth the watch.
rated 3/5: not bad
Outlaw Trail (2006)
I'm running out of words for the day, so let me just say that this is a good movie and that you should watch it. This way I can't spoil it for you either, right? Lots o action, good acting, good soundtrack. Nothing spectacular, so if you have something better to view - view that. Otherwise? View this.
rated 3/5: not bad
Btw, I've misspelled Wednesday for a long long time, it was only recently (one or two years ago, maybe) that I pulled myself together and took a good look at how the world was really spelled. So now that I know - wed nes day, it really isn't any trouble at all. :P Now I'm off to do a little more site work and other miscellaneous computer related duties and research. Goodnight!
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