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When Will I Be Reborn

If I don't even take the time to write
Then I might
End up writing things I do not like
At times I
Sit up late and type in riled delight
But now I
Sit and stall and falter, and fall to
The water

If I don't even take the time to try
I know I
Will look back at my writing and realize
It's so vile
That it was all just a waste of time
And no smile
Will play upon my face, for days and days and days
And so I:

Will try to make my writing to my plight
And no mile
Is too long or short for my to strive
And no mount
Is to high a dwarf like me to climb
And no I
Won't do this just for you, or write a new haiku

I'll do this to be free
And see the dream in me
And someday you will see
It too

Someday when I prove
I'm true

Someday when I pursue
My view

Someday when the moon
Is huge

Someday when I resume
My dues

Consume my doubt, and fume my blues
And heal my bruise, and skew my mood

And all of this will take, just a while
Tomorrow I will wake up with a smile


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