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Bob Axell

Hello there fellow frequenter of the great WWW!

My name's Bob. I'm a designer, mountain climber (metaphorically), gold miner (ditto), one-liner rhymer who likes light skies and would like to revive our dying Earth. Like for example by stopping 5G.

Alternatively: I am a native creative who dreams in visions and in phrases evasive, chases dreams, maybe in time I will make it? My site is outdated now filled with movies I've rated, but writing's the dream and I'm devising new faces in this phase that my life is, nice and abrasive.

For real though: My name's Bob, a 35 or so y/o Swede. I blog about life, computers and games. I fuse music, write rhymes, design sites and experiment with experimentals mental. This site is my playground, a place where I rant and create and recreate and re-create and do great. Need a more formal introduction? Try this. ;)

CyberD is in a bit of a renovation mode right now, and I'll get it sorted out someday. Until then: stay tuned to the blog! That's where most of the updates go, and where I rant about whatever's mostly relevant at the moment.

Hope you enjoy your time here, and thanks for stopping by!

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