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Sinister (2012)

Sinister (2012)

Supposedly this is the scariest movie there is - according to more than the one scary movie ranking out there! And a friend.

I wondered if it was true, so I scheduled some time to watch. Alone, at night, in a small house in the wild, with not a human being for miles around me...

And I don't know if I'd say it really is the scariest movie of all time, but it sure was a good one! The ending though... it's a letdown. In more ways than one. The scare factor somehow drains, when it's clear the animals were just symbols, and when the horror manifests itself in the physical. When it's suddenly not a horror story anymore, but real. And the girl... why would she do what she did? From chatting to the dead girl in her room, to this... it doesn't make much sense to me.

It was a really good movie, really good. And I for sure got the shivers. But when it's over... it seems they're gone at well. I expected something not just more conclusive but more lasting. It's cut short somehow. When they kids appear it's just... not so scary anymore. But the first half: that was good...

Definitely the best scary movie I've seen in a long time.

I still hold It Follows in higher regard though, as personally the scariest one I've seen. I think the main thing to me there is that it truly never takes form. The thing. That follows. Here it builds up masterfully, but then it does after all...

And we don't get what I'd call a real kind of conclusion.

 rated 4.5/5: almost awesome


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