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Link Us

Feel free to link to us using the selection of images below. If you need a banner in another size than the ones listed, contact me and I'll make one quickly. You may hotlink the images below if you must, but if you are able to, please host them yourself.


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CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

CyberD - The CyberDevils Domain

Buddy Me?

Though most buddy sites really are good buddies, anyone can get listed, just follow the simple steps below. The list will be closed for requests if too many come flying, but right now it is open.

1. Place one of these images on a visible area of your site (preferably a re-occurring element like a footer or sidebar).

2. Link it to (https, no www, trailing slash after).

3. Contact me and tell me where I should link to return the favor, and where you've placed the link.

Note that all buddy sites are checked once in a while, so don't go removing the link, or putting it in an obscure area nobody visits. ;) If you don't want to use a button or a banner, a plain text link will do fine.

Also note that I use the site title for all buddy sites - no misleading titles, and no malicious, illegal or hardcore adult sites either. Thank you!

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