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Fairy Tail 72

Dragon Rider Nearing

Dragon Rider nears the city. Gray has revealed his reasons and Makarov reveals his plan. What plan? Only Gray knows. He goes to tell Erza, but it looks she already figured it out. Have you?

Natsu Getting Angry

Natsu is getting angry.

On Green Fields

Daphne tells of the time she saw a real dragon. Ever since then she's wanted to see one again, that's why she's creating her own. "So you did see a dragon?" Natsu asks her. "No way, it was just a trick of my mind", Daphne says.

Little Daphne

Something Flying

Real Dragon

Daphne & A Dragon


Erza finally beats down the lizard men. Version 3.

Union Raid

Gray & Juvia blast a way a ton of lizard men with their Union Raid.

Dragon Rider

Erza provokes Natsu. He sees an opportunity to finally beat her!

Daphne Can't Control The Power

Daphne can't control the power. Dragon Rider is breaking down.


Gajeel pops out of nowhere and delivers the final blow. Natsu is free.

Eating Fire

Fairy Tail mages get together and throw all the fire magic they can at the dragon.

Getting Pumped

Natsu eats it all! He's getting fired up!!

Fairy Tail Mages

Natsu Reloaded

Natsu The Dragon Slayer

Natsu's Rage

Before Daphne gets blasted, her eyes tear. "Finally, I see it again!" she says.


Wendy Gets A Cake

Erza bought 50 cakes earlier, 1 for Wendy, 49 for herself. The shop is destroyed but the baker managed to save one. Wendy gets it. :)

Dragon Slayers & Gray


And that's why she loves Fairy Tail. Next episode!


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  1. julian white
    Monday Aug/11/2014

    i thought it was ep 70..

  2. Cyber
    Wednesday Sep/3/2014

    Close enough!

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