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Hiding The Windows 11 Notification Box

I've been trying to get rid of that pesky box for so long now!!!

Gave my problem a Google again today, and this time I actually found a Reddit post with a viable answer! Their solution's surprisingly simple:

  1. Download and install Windhawk.
  2. Open it, and search for 'Windows 11 Notification Center Styler'.
  3. Install the mod, click 'Settings', and scroll down to 'Control styles'.
  4. Add this to 'Target': Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid#NotificationCenterGrid
  5. Add this to 'Styles': Visibility=Collapsed

That's it! It's gone, and you don't even have to reboot your computer.

It should go from this:

Windows 11 Notification Box

To this, the next time you click it:

No Windows 11 Notification Box!

*immense sense of relief and gratitude*

Seems you can do pretty much all things with Windhawk that you can do with Start11 too, using whatever combination of modules you need. Which also explains why nobody's updating Classic Shell any longer. It's just no longer needed. This seems both less buggier and better, and also free, with mods that hopefully do everything the former did and more!

There is however potential for malicious mods to make their way into the database, so be cautious with what you use. Windhawk is basically just the framework to run your scripts, and the database in large part a community-driven endeavor.

Much like userscripts in a browser.

I'm just surprised I'd never heard of this before. I have a lifetime license on Start11 already, since I didn't know this was an alternative. Though that probably does allow you to do some things that this one does not, this really is comprehensive!

So far, this box removal thing is the only mod I really need.

Further Windhawk mod database exploration TBC.


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