I didn't get quite as good a head start on this project as I did last year, but starting today I'll be posting bits and pieces of leftover lyrics and random rhythmical device here, every day for the rest of the year. When and if I leave for vacation(s) I'll schedule a batch, or write them for the days I miss and post them later, as I did last time.
Even though last year's project wasn't at all as tedious to keep up with as the one from 2009, and kept me inspired through some dark times (not to mention it generated a lot of creative work!), I don't feel like tasking myself with the same thing for two years in a row. Yet I still want to do something, so I'll be doing something with those little somethings that otherwise maybe nothing might happen with: the rhymes and verse parts I occasionally write that get stuck in a file, that end up unfinished or abandoned or with time don't feel as motivating as that moment when I first wrote them.
That's what this project is all about: the leftover creativity, the little things I don't want to throw away but don't have much use for anyway. Maybe some of them will inspire further work in the future, maybe some of them will inspire You, and maybe I'll be able to focus more on new projects with some of the old stuff cleared out! ;) Though there'll probably be some new bits and pieces too when inspiration strikes.
Time to start the New Year challenge... commencing: Project 2015.