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To play a couple of trailers I downloaded I needed to download the newest version of Quicktime. So I visited the Quicktime site and noticed their stupid idea of putting I-Tunes and Quicktime in the same package. I want Quicktime but I don't want I-Tunes, so I had to download both and then delete iTunes. Luckily they aren't stupid enough to uninstall both programs if you try to uninstall one. I don't know if it's a commercial idea or if it's for the benefit of the users, probably commercial. I do know that it's the dumbest idea in a long time. Here is a good QuickTime Alternative.


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  1. Joe
    Wednesday Jun/7/2006

    Yeah, I noticed that, I gave up on QuickTime a long time ago. But it's called marketing.

  2. Cyberdevil
    Wednesday Jun/7/2006

    lol, all Apple will be able to achieve is a loss of customers and quicktime users.

  3. Joe
    Wednesday Jun/7/2006

    Yeah ...

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