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A Wednesday Post

Ever seen a crackhead do a backflip off the roof of a two-story house?

This video pains me, he can't have been OK after that landing. Giving someone a dollar to do something like this is in no way the responsible thing to do, and yet since he did how can you not watch this?

It's definitely up there with some of the most impressive movie stunts of all time. And this ain't no movie. And with no dampening. Damn.

It's definitely not the type of thing you'd do if you're trying to abide by a strict longevity protocol to maximize life either, but then again what does our life matter if all we do is live? I mean if we don't LIVE? If our lives are mundane and devoid of death-defying rooftop backflips and/or other forms of grand adventure?

And how do we go about immortalizing our time on this planet if we don't strive for feats like this one? Then again why do we even care? Why are humans so vane and self-indulgent?

I can't but not think of the legacy I leave though, and want there to be more of it. Meanwhile I'm on here updating anime episode counts and archive links in the sidebar, and writing up a quick walkthrough for a little gem of a game I just discovered (DOOM: TGE).

I listened to a fascinating pod with Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently too. Although Lex (the host) comes across unfortunately naive when you listen, it's clear he prepped a lot for this episode, and just hearing Volodymyr's perspective on things, and his patience, is enough to make it all worth it.

The fact that we're getting interviews with world leaders in podcast form now is just amazing, and shows how the world is changing. I really prefer one-on-one conversations like this too, with hosts that I trust to ask the right things, or at least keep a clear mind and judgement, as opposed to our very spoonfed and shortform traditional news and media.

Even if the final verdict in regard to Volodymyr's take on the war, and how to end it, is ultimately that Ukraine has to be in a position of power for any meaningful negation to be possible at all.

Pride really will be our downfall. It makes sense it's part of the seven deadly sins.

Speaking of which: They'll actually be showing Se7en at the cinemas again soon! I hope to see it. It was before my time of seeing anything but kid's films at the cinema.

Saw Heretic, Nosferatu and Paddington in Peru there recently - all three on the same day - yesterday, and that was a killer set of movies.

Watch in reverse order if you want to save the best for last. Or watch in that order if you want to have a laugh when it's over, and not linger on contemplations of life and death and the essence of control.

Wonder what perspective Putin would have on Heretic. World leaders commenting on controversial or otherwise make-you-think type media would be fascinating to see...

On a more positive note do y'all know Harry Mack? Did y'all catch his Dr. Phil freestyle recently? Did y'all know he could do this? Did y'all know his house burned down in the recent California wildfires? I guess this wasn't all that positive a note after all! My bad.

The New Year may not be starting off as ideally as the last one for all, but I do hope his spirit's still strong, and I really hope he had offsite copies of all of his songs!!!

Reminder: Spend time in the moment. Take nothing for granted. Live your life with this kind of energy. RAGE.

Mike Shinoda's final meal may be worth a watch too. Good conversation. Some other LP videos. And here's Madelline singing Dopamine IN TWO LANGUAGES AT ONCE (French/English). Very cool! Headphones is a must though. Or a broken speaker, if you'd rather just listen to one language
at a time.

Apparently that particular track's good for ADHD too! Who knew some people need to play two tunes at once to truly appreciate 'em the way most of us appreciate the one song, and calm the fuck down.

To spend time in the moment. And take nothing for granted. And live.

Yes I realize I've been spending all too much time on YT again. I'm attempting to do something about that right now - as I type this after just skimming through a bundle of RATM reaction videos with Krizz Kaliko, Shaq, LBoyd and FlawdTV.

To be fair these particular selections of viewables have been building up in my Nytt textdokument (4).txt draft file for a while now, and I'm just now getting to posting about 'em.

Also gotta post about this new WaterFlame album.

I'm not a huge WaterFlame fan - I have none of his other albums, but when I first found out about the great NewGrounds back in the day, and started perusing the audio that was available there, and unexpectedly stumbled into the realm of Techno and Trance, with artists like @ParagonX9 spearheading my interest for the genre, there was also this one up-and-coming artist by the name of @chainsaw_09 there, who piqued my interest... and then he disappeared!

Years later I find out it was in fact @WaterFlame!

So he went back to his roots with this one, remastered a bundle of his old stuff released under said alterego, and threw in a bundle of previously unreleased tracks from the same era. And that is pretty cool. So I had to buy it. And soon I shall listen through...


Here's the Kickstarter for it.

My first thought when I saw the ask was honestly that Conner's getting a little greedy with the budget, but I misread, I thought it was 800,000 USD, it was but 800,000 SEK! That's conservative - especially after that misconception.

It's still a lot. It's more than most creative projects of a seemingly similar caliber, but considering this'll probably be a full-time gig for at least a year or so for two people, and involve plenty of other artists and creators on the site, who ought also get some compensation, it's a bare minimum for sure.

I hope they make it. Will check back later and remind. They're certainly doing their marketing right, but there's a long stretch left on the funding.

Also Nintendo just introduced their next console, the Switch 2, the first console in their assortment with a straight up numerical title?! This one really won't stand the test of time when it comes to innovation, mark my words, it looks like an appreciative upgrade but... same name!? Come on.

The trailer's a disappointment too. I miss the old Nintendo, when they were always on the cutting edge; always new new...

Also this giveaway is still going!

That's all. Cyberdevil over and fall.


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  1. soulard
    Thursday Jan/23/2025

    I definitely agree with you that doing a backflip off of a two-story house for just one dollar is idiotic. It did look quite painful.

    I quite liked watching those Harry Mack videos too. I was first introduced to him by the previous post you did about him going over the free custom raps he did for people. I\'ve also heard that he is considered quite good for a freestyle rapper, as I am not that familiar with most rap.

    I also really liked that cover of Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine done by Denzel Curry. Believe it or not, I haven\'t listened to the original version of this song yet.

    I also watched that quick video going over Linkin Park\'s From Zero World Tour. I enjoyed hearing the short mashup of In the End, Numb, and Guilty All the Same, as well as listening to their album Meteora in the Super Mario 64 soundfont.

    I\'ve never come across anything like the video of the song Dopamine by Madelline sung in two different languages each in their own channels. It definitely sounds pretty cool listening through my headphones.

    Although I am mainly a computer gamer, the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement sounds exciting.

    Lastly, I somewhat enjoyed that song A Stone Only Rolls Downhill song from OK Go. It is the second song I have ever heard from them, with the first being Upside Down Inside Out.

  2. Cyber
    Thursday Jan/23/2025

    And for any amount of dollars for that matter, if you don't at least have something soft to land on. :/ Indeed...

    Oh you saw that one too, nice! :D He's quickly becoming my maybe main inspiration when it comes to raps these days, just a never-seizing spring of creativity, and the way he uplifts and interacts with the audience is always so wholesome. I aspire that kind of presence and positivity.

    He is yes, that's his thing, everything he does (well, for the most part, the 2024 video's an exception, he tried his hand at writing too last year) is improvised. He does entire concerts based solely on words from the audience. I'd say he's probably the best freestyle rapper out there right now, possibly the greatest ever, and just keeps getting better! Been planning to post a list of Harry Mack favorites for a while now, maybe soon. :)

    Ooh if you do go for the original after this I wonder which you'll actually like best. :) Denzel managed to really channel the same rage as the original, maybe even more so, though IMO the cover band otherwise is not entirely as good as the original group. Have you listened to RATM otherwise? Killing in the Name Of maybe? Just got introduced to their other songs recently, I hadn't heard the original version of this one either before last year.

    Good to hear. :) I'm pretty happy the band's touring again; making new stuff, and I like the new, feels like they put a lot of thought into it...

    Same! I'd like to hear more like it... seems difficult to make something like this too, where both languages sync yet don't take over, but maybe it's not as difficult as I think it is...

    Yeah I play pretty much exclusively on PC too, I have some older consoles stashed away, but it's been a looong time since I took them out. It's just fun to keep up with what's going on in the world of gaming, used to be more into consoles.

    You found that link too eh. :) I'm not a huge fan of this particular song, but I really love their videos! Every single one thus far has been a new kind of innovation, Upside Down Inside Out's probably my favorite so far (really liked that particular track too), but they're pretty much all worth checking out, like for example:

    Cool to see you here too soulard!

  3. soulard
    Friday Jan/24/2025

    Yeah, I think it would be good if you had something soft to land on. But doing something painful for money is idiotic, like I already said.

    I find it cool hearing that Harry Mack mainly does freestyles, is perhaps one of the greatest currently, and is your inspiration for rap nowadays.

    Now that I\'ve listened to the original version of Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine, I can say that I prefer the cover, but that doesn\'t mean I don\'t like the original. I still find the original catchy and fun. This is the first Rage Against the Machine song I\'ve heard, believe it or not.

    Yeah, I think From Zero is a pretty nice comeback album from Linkin Park. I remember someone even putting \"From Xero to Zero\", referencing how Linkin Park started under the name Xero.

    I agree that it may not be as difficult as you think it is. In fact, if you give me two language versions of the vocals of the same song, chances are I could do the same thing in Audacity, even though I\'m not sure if I could make it to where either language doesn\'t take over. When I listened to it myself, it seemed like the English channel took over the French channel (even though I could hear the French channel at times), yet this could possibly be because I don\'t know French.

    I also enjoyed watching that music video of This Too Shall Pass by OK Go. I have found Rube Goldberg machines interesting ever since I was very young, and I also found the song beautiful at times, even though I\'m not sure if the video played a role in making the song beautiful or not.

    Thanks! I actually check out all of your posts now, even though I don\'t comment as much as I should.

  4. Cyber
    Friday Jan/24/2025

    True that! Something harmful even more so, pain's fortunately only temporary...

    He is amazing. :)

    Oh! Well the cover definitely was special, I can't fault you for it. :) Interesting to get your first impression of the band via that though. This is the song they're probably most known for:

    ...maybe you have heard it in the past; didn't know it was Rage Against the Machine? I don't know if they actually ever play it on radio, or where you would usually get introduced to these guys, maybe they are a bit underground still.

    Yes! That's a part of the official intent with the title too! :D Symbolic both to how they're starting from scratch, and how they're going back to their origins. Mike mentioned in some interview that this album's by far the one they've put most thought into, into how tracks tie together, how they introduce the new singer, how they both develop a new sound and still pay tribute to Chester; to their origins... still haven't listened to the full album though...

    You did sent me some great mash-up's in the past, in essence I guess this isn't so different. Mhm! Interesting. I know a little French, but I do get that same impression, wonder if the English is still intentionally a bit more prominent; made to feel that way, or if they really do have exactly the same kind of panning, and volume... I suppose it could be that there are just harder consonants and vowels in English, than there are in French. The softer pronunciation overall may make it less prominent then.

    Same. :) I do like that song too, even without the video, but the amount of effort they put into these is just admirable on a whole other level... speaking of Rube Goldberg machines, had I ever linked to Wintergatan before? If not:

    It's not exactly that, but somewhat.

    Oh that's cool to know. :) Well no pressure on commenting on everything, that'd be a lot, always fun when you do though!

  5. soulard
    Saturday Jan/25/2025

    Rage Against the Machine\'s song Killing in the Name did sound familiar to me at times. It was somewhat enjoyable.

    I have only listened to the full album From Zero by Linkin Park from beginning to end once. I agree it\'s a nice return to roots for them.

    I also find it really interesting how it\'s hard to tell if the English channel is more present than the French channel. Not knowing French, I appreciate your insight into differences between the languages.

    I agree that the efforts OK Go puts into their videos are incredible.

    Lastly, I have been a big fan for a while of the song and video of Wintergatan Marble Machine.

  6. Cyber
    Saturday Jan/25/2025

    Cool to hear. :) It seems at one point in time at least they really were mainstream too, that song did get plenty of radio play, had to Google...

    I personally really like the energy they exude, beyond the music itself. As one with a lot of criticism against society; the order of the world and all today... I love this type of stuff! They really do rage against it. Hope many people hear it.

    Ah you've listened more than me at this point! :D I gotta catch up. Just listened through the acapella version of the album yesterday, they put out the whole thing on YT, that was... very different! Gives you a new appreciation for their vocals, and harmonies, and how intricate the sound design really is.

    For sure. :) I really don't have that great an insight though, that's just how I perceive the differences, French SEEMS softer, may need to fact check that...


    Ah I guess I probably did link to it in the past then! Or you already knew about it, or both! Awesome to hear anywho!

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